Which is your favourite type of meditation? Do you use apps or guided meditation ?

Heidi W.
I just try to sit with eyes closed and examine my thoughts and segregate good one from the bad ones and eliminate the negative ones.
Heidi W.
Yh I use '' calm'' is an app it really helps me get a concentrated mind but lately I don't use. I can't really explain why I'm not use it
Heidi W.
To get started, a guided meditation is great. Later on, I found my own pace and simply put music to concentrate. As for what kind of meditation, it depends on how I feel that day. Since I do it at night, I see meditation as a way to cope with how I feel throughout the day, so if I had a good day I can think about what it was about that day that made me feel good. If I had a bad day, I can assess if the unfortunate events of the day were controlled by me or not. If they were, I can think about what I can do to make them better tommorow, and if they weren't, I try to help the worries out. Hope this helped πŸ™‚