What is your ritual before starting a deep work session?

Paul W.
I usually seek out some place that is NOT my bedroom and conducive to studying (relatively low volume, good lighting, seating comfortable for 1 to 2 hours). I grab a drink before sitting down so that I won't be tempted to get up. I set a reasonable goal for my deep work session and divide that into smaller tasks if necessary. Then I begin! I reward myself after with a snack or a short 20-min episode of a show. Remember, rewarding yourself for meeting your goals helps enforce good habits! 😉
Th O S.
Quick move around, think about what I'm focusing on. Cup of tea and glass of water handy. Shut the door or put headphones in. Then go!
Francisco T.
I find the playlist that reflects what I need from that session. It may be calming background music like Jazz, or Peaceful Guitar, or it may be uplifting Gospel that pulls my gratitude forward. Another thing I do is pour a cup of water and grab a bite and sit them right in front of me on my work space. I get distracted easily so I don't need any excuse to find something more interesting to do, not even getting a glass of water.
Anthony Y.
Before start a deep work session, turn off all your cell phone notifications and avoid every kind of distractions. Take a bottle of water by your side and try not to think in the rest of the world.