Caroline R.
Favorite morning exercise is on the rebounder. I work at home. In the last 10 years I have a policy of sleeping until about 7:20 am to help my brain deal with adhd. The difficulty for me is winding down at night, or going to bed even if I am not all wound down.
Infante O.
I wake up 2 hours before I have to leave for work. I like a kettle bell work out video series, and a walk with the dog.
Andreas C.
I wake up at seven, roll around in bed ‘till 7:15, drink my glass of water, and have a 15 minute yoga session in my living room, then I walk to work an back home a couple of times during the day. I don’t plan my morning rituals. I just make them happen. Cheers 🙂
Sebastian A.
I have to give myself 2 1/2 hours to get my stuff done, but when I complete them I feel so great! Exercise is the one I dread lol but I find yoga, dance, or Beachbody on demand works for me. Whatever it is, make sure you have a system or plan out what you are going to do the day before so you aren’t using your exercise time to figure out what you are doing . Even if all you can fit in is a 15 minute walk , it’s still very healthy and better than doing nothing!
Marcus Z.
I like to try to wake up @ 6am and so far my favorite excersize is the 7 min workout. I am not always ableton do it but if I am not I like to go for a walk. My body definitely get more sore than it use to a few months ago.
Mandy X.
I have three exercises routines I try to do every morning. One is a home exercise routine from my chiropractor with special equipment, second is a Pilates routine, and third is a 12-minute surge training. Then I also try to walk a mile or two when I have finished those three.
Of course, I am retired so I don’t have to leave for work at all, otherwise I would probably not get any of those done before leaving for work. I have been trying to get up earlier, since I live in Yuma Arizona now and people tell me that in the summer they try to get everything done first thing in the morning before it gets hot.
Br Gido C.
My favorite thing to do in the morning is either run or do yoga. I save runs for when I feel I have plenty of energy, or when the weather cooperates. Yoga is a really gentle way to wake up since it stretches you out and helps you find your balance for the day! I don’t plan any of my morning routine in the morning itself. I always have it planned the night before so I’m not spending time in the morning figuring out what I’m doing. I wake up about two-three hours before I have to leave for work, but after you do your morning routine a few times you should have a good feeling of what works best for you!
Aubin P.
Yoga is my favourite as it makes me feel present, reminds me to breath and slows everything down. I only have to do 15 mins of yoga to feel this change, so it’s great that I don’t have to get up too early to fit this in. I find it easier to have the mat already rolled out so I just jump on it first thing. It is also a form of meditation for me, so during my day, if something isn’t going well or there is something making me feel anxious or worried, I remind myself of the yoga practice I did that morning and it helps me calm down and reminds me that feelings pass.
Krin P.
I’m only just getting the hang of exercising in the morning as generally I wake up late and don’t have the time to exercise before I leave for work. By setting my alarm earlier and making the effort to add half an hour of awake time to my day, I can fit in a quick walk around the house. I hope to progress this into a full blown workout but baby steps are important for me so the changes are sustainable instead of going hard and giving up in a few days.
Jocelino Q.
I alternate between yoga+cardio and gym workouts every other day. I wake up 2 1/2 hours early to complete my morning ritual before work 🙂
Vicki Q.
7 min workout, definitely; when I'm really in a hurry I just stretch and do a series of push ups. I wake up 1h and 15min before my usual time to leave most of the time I spent on breakfast.
Ashley S.
I do crunches on an exercise ball. It’s pretty good. My wake up time has been 5:35a for a long time but I don’t really get to routine until 6:30/7:00.
Patrick U.
I enjoy swimming laps before work although these days I’ve been using the elipticle machine. I wake up 2 hrs before I need to get to work. This allows me time to prepare for the day and get to the gym
Nanna E.
I ride my bike to work, it only takes 15 minutes longer than driving. I wake up and hour and a half before leaving for work. This gives me plenty of time to get ready and have a good breakfast. The ability to relax in the morning sets me up well for the day.
James X.
I love this 7 minute Tabata workout – My friend shared it with me a year or so ago. You can do it anywhere without any equipment and it only takes 9 minutes (so I don't know why they call it 7 minutes!!). It's also really bright and attractive so it picks your mood up. The countdown is really motivating because just when you think you can't do it anymore, the countdown speeds up and you made it 🙂
Abigail O.
Walking is best, but it’s still dark out. To do the morning ritual, I’m training my body to wake up an hour earlier (and I’m going to bed an hour earlier soI don’t lose critical sleep time).
Toni Q.
Yoga and stretching are my favorite morning exercises. I wake up about 2 and a half hours before work. This gives me time with my children before they leave for school and time alone before my husband wakes up. I enjoy the peace and quiet, watching the sunrise, and starting my day with care for me.
Wanner F.
Lately I’ve been walking in the mornings, 4-5k at a time. I leave my walking gear by the bed so I can get up, get dressed and get out of the house without delay. My alarm goes at 5.15 every morning, I try to leave for work by 7am. I feel much better if I walk before work, even if it’s just a short one. Gives me energy for the day. Whenever I say, oh I don’t have time, I usually wind up feeling crunchy and irritable. So for me some sort of exercise is a daily must!
Marie Z.
I like to do my 7 minute HIIT routine to upbeat music. I aim for waking up at least 1 hour before leaving work, but ideally it would be 2 hours so I don't feel rushed.
Ver Ssimo N.
Mostly i do aerobic exercises and some stretching kind of exercises.
I wake up mostly at 5.30 am sometimes 5 am also…. This is best time for me to organise my morning rituals alongwith my daily working routine.
I wake up mostly at 5.30 am sometimes 5 am also…. This is best time for me to organise my morning rituals alongwith my daily working routine.
Nuran M.
I love doing CrossFit in the morning. The workouts are extremely challenging & fun. But even more enjoyable is the sense of community that there is. And boy is it a confidence builder. I wake up at 4:30AM every day. Hit the gym by 5:00. And I’m off to work by 8:15! I don’t do any planning in the morning for my ritual, but I do like taking my time!
Sebastian Z.
I get up at six AM. Water first, then stretch or Yoga. Set program, 10-15 minutes. Then the seven minute exercise program that the app suggests. I then brew tea while taking a shower. After showering I have tea and overnight oats. Then I get dressed. Ready to leave for work at seven AM latest.
Leslie C.
I allow myself 45 mins to get ready. Any less time and I tend to forget steps but any more time and I feel like i can waste time and then i get off track. I like a good tight routine. Get up when my alarm goes off, ABSOLUTELY NO SNOOZING. Drink some water to wake up. Make my bed, this is key. Coming home to an organized space and just be able to relax helps with my stress. Brush my hair, my teeth, wash my face, the whole shabang. Find a comfy but stylish outfit, deodorant perfume, get my shoes on; when my shoes are on I feel more motivated to leave the house quicker. grab a small breakfast and all my things I need. I check off all the things I completed off my morning routine checklist and I remind myself that even if my day goes downhill, I still ha da positive and productive morning.
Charles J.
I like to change exercises, it depends of weather and my mood, sometimes I go for a run, on some days I prefer staying home, doing some pilates or yoga or just play music and dance.. 💙
Tha S O.
I like to go for a walk or run with my dog in the mornings. I normally wake up between 5:30 and 6 am. This way I can take my time and not feel rushed before having to leave my house around 8am.
Virg Nia Z.
I love the Sworkit exercise app! So far my goal is just to do SOMETHING ANYTHING to start my exercise habit. So it’s really been a variety of things and to be honest …whatever I’m in the mood for. (Walking the dog, jog, quick short run bc well I haven’t exercised in a few years, Jump rope, squats, anything I can do in my bathroom or on the patio with fresh cool dark air is my go to so far. At lunch time, I walk 1 mile around my work block and book it on my calendar so meetings don’t interfere. I leave a pair of tennis shoes n socks in my desk so my attire is not an excuse. It really breaks up my day.
Grit E.
Walking/jogging on the treadmill works best for me. I can always toss on my shoes head to the basement and walk. I don't have to really get ready or go anywhere and it is not dependant on outside circumstance like weather etc. I listen to music from my phone with earbuds
and I mute the TV and watch inspirational messages on my YouTube. It works.
and I mute the TV and watch inspirational messages on my YouTube. It works.
Annelore Z.
My favorite exercise is to walk. I get to do this with my daughter, Natalie. I get up at 6 a.m. and my works starts immediately because, I am a stay at home mom.
Kate F.
I like to do a quick 7 min workout or get to work early and walk. I struggle getting up in the morning, so I just try to make it happen. If it doesn’t I try for lunch time or when I get home at night.
Bob Z.
Well, I don’t go to work, I go to middle school. My bus comes at 6:55 so I usually wake up at 5:35. The exercises I do (haha) are dances to my Spotify Playlist. I do this for 5-8 minutes.
Faustine T.
I usually do yoga and a 10-minute workout. Now I set to get up at 6.30 and plan to make it 6. I hope Fabulous can help me with the wake-up schedule. Maybe the alarms sound can be tuned to avoid me to snooze?
Beverly N.
Hi there
My morning exercise is the only exercise i od.
I don’t have much time so I try to make it different everyday
I workout with fitness blender on YouTube.
When it come to the start of my morning I like to wake up at down and use the (Quite Time) for writing.
I found what’s work for me is to plan my morning before I go to bed the night before. Saveing time and energy
I hope that helps💖
My morning exercise is the only exercise i od.
I don’t have much time so I try to make it different everyday
I workout with fitness blender on YouTube.
When it come to the start of my morning I like to wake up at down and use the (Quite Time) for writing.
I found what’s work for me is to plan my morning before I go to bed the night before. Saveing time and energy
I hope that helps💖
Margrit J.
I like to push weights or brisk walk for half hour in the morning, I also love swimming which I try to do at least twice a week in summer. I wake up at 6 am and do my morning chores and rituals and leave for work by 9
Alberte C.
I leave for work around 9:30 and wake up between 7:30 & 8:00 AM. My favorite workout is an extended bike ride before I start my commute to work. It’s normally between 3-5 miles.
Lily P.
Right now I am using the 30 day arms and 30 days abs app. It’s quick and easy and you don’t need any equipment. Sometimes I go to the gym, but not as often as I should. I don’t work in the morning so it’s easier for me to spend more time in the morning.
Amelia O.
I like to do yoga in the mornings, it stretches me out and brings my mind to a state of clarity and focus. I like to write out my morning rituals for the next day before I go to bed, and I find that really helps me wake up with motivation.
Valdo O.
Μy favourite exercise is running about an hour . I feel so excited and relaxed. It gives me energy and happiness for all the day.
I Woke up at half past six every day and in this way I have plenty of time of doing things that make me happy 😊
I Woke up at half past six every day and in this way I have plenty of time of doing things that make me happy 😊
Frederick T.
I want my exercise routine to be in the evening because I want it to be a serious workout. I wake up very early so I can get to work on time with very limited time for rituals.