What is the healthiest breakfast that you can make in the least amount of time?

Alberte P.
I like to get carbs, fibre and natural sugars only into this quick and tasty option:

Put straight into the bowl you will eat from, 1/2 cup whole rolled oats, and a small-medium handful of your favourite seeds and nuts – I throw in a chia-based seed mix from my local supermarket, pumpkin seeds and almonds. Top with a selection of fruit of your choice. I go with berries as they’re really quick to literally throw in – strawberries with the tops removed, blueberries, and raspberries – you could also do canned peaches, sliced banana, pre-cubed watermelon and so on. Finally, top with milk and/or yoghurt, mix and eat! It took me longer to write this post than make my breakfast this morning. Can be made in the time it takes to boil a kettle for your morning tea or coffee. Buon appetit!

Ema Y.
Oatmeal with the fruits, tea with caviar or salmon on the piece of bread with butter.
Fried eggs with beans and vegetables.
Sofie U.
Ive just discovered this:
1 egg mixed with 50g ( 1 big breakfast spoon) low fat cottage cheese.
Cook like an omelette in a non stick pan – cooks in maybe 5 minutes (less even)
Has around 12g protein for only approx 110 calories, so you can make 2 if you need more.
Have with a slice of grainy toast and / or a piece of fruit.

Another quick one I make and eat in the car:
Grainy toast with natural Peanut Butter and 1/3 banana sliced on top (1 piece toast like this only, this is a little heavy calorie wise)
Have with 1 x Vegemite toast OR 1 x fruit (finish the banana!)
Plus an instant coffee made in a travel mug to go.

Keep it simple, best wishes!

Alma W.
I would used a protein filled yogurt, top this with some banana and blueberry and add some seeds for extra filling power and goodness
Edna U.
Oatmeal is a great breakfast, since it keeps the energy up for a long time and you can but almost any topping on it. Also it only takes 5 minutes to make.
Bertram X.
Protein powder that has no sugar, green banana, loads of spinach, unsweetened almond milk and almond butter in a blender. Blend and drink.
Anthea O.
Fried or scrambled eggs with toast is really quick. Though if you want a "grab and go" item and can either buy or make these ahead of time, healthy muffins and yogurt cups can be a good option, too.
Helen T.
Poached eggs with wilted spinach. Boil the kettle first to get the water hot, then fill a shallow pan on a high heat to keep it boiling. Crack in two eggs (room temperature) and time for 2 minutes. While that's cooking, put a bowl of spinach in the microwave for 1 minute to wilt, and if there's still water in the kettle you've got time to make a cup of tea too!!
Mars O.
A powdered protein smoothie is definitely the quickest breakfast, though if you want spmething more substantial I like to do granola, nuts, and some fruit (like a banana or apple, sliced) over whole-fat or 2% Greek yogurt.
Damien Q.
I think a package of plain instant oatmeal is easiest. It gives you slow digesting carbs for energy and can be made in 1 minutes with a kettle and a mug. I often add a dollop of cashew butter or other nut butter for more protein. A few fresh berries thrown in from the fridge only takes a few extra seconds and makes it special.
Ryan T.
Eat a banana, an apple, or an egg. Have a banana smoothie with milk or a fresh juice. Eat some protein along with fruits.
Aci Q.
I like to make over night oats. I begin my morning the night before. Making my breakfast this way allows me to be mindful and not be lazy if I sleep in.
Jesse T.
4 Bannanas topped with ground almonds , a generous amount of cinnamon and honey or maple syrup. Adjust the portions to your own liking.
Malou W.
I have a banana with peanut butter for a quick protein packed breakfast with a fruit. I just eat it with the same for I use to scoop out the peanut butter if I’m really in a hurry!
Chris N.
Hard boil some eggs the day before. Extra is good for whenever too. They will be readily available when you need them and it’s the ultimate nutritious food. Fruit is good or nutrition shake.
Tracey U.
Breakfast which was prepared night before morning. If not just pour boiling water onto oats wait a minute and add something good like honey, nuts, etc.
Karla N.
I have an apple allergy, but I love the taste of apples and the allergen is mostly on the skin. To save time and eat healthy I bought some peeled sliced apples from the store and it takes seconds to grab a handful and scoop some peanut butter onto a plate, eat and get out the door. 🙂
Pierre F.
I usually make breakfast a week at a time. I cook eggs and turkey sausage together. Then add cheese and place it into seven containers so I have breakfast for the next week. Then I just heat and eat the meal in the morning.
Emma P.
Bananas, apples and a handful of nuts are the quickest and healthiest breakfast. Three eggs and beans are the most filling. Yogurt, raspberries, and oats are the most enjoyable 🌺
Alice P.
I go for a handful of nuts and some fruit, or have something made in advance like a homemade protein bar or superfood flapjack, overnight parts with chia, almond flour and apple… just a few ideas 😅
Karolina F.
I can make a bagel (any type of bagel) and put it in the toaster, then when it’s done I can put my favorite cream cheese on, garden vegetable, and eat up with some water or orange juice and some fruits or crackers.
Shel N.
Probably healthy toast! All you have to do is toast a piece of bread and then slap whatever healthy ingredients you want on there (avocado, peanut butter, banana slices, melted cheese and sliced tomatoes, etc.)!
Lisa N.
Fruit salad with banana grapes and different types of berries. Together with a slice of bread and non-sugar coconut milk.
Helen E.
A smoothie (bowl) , oatmeal or avocado toast. It takes me 5 min to make them. It is delicious and you can switch it up by adding fruit, using different fruits and flavors. Adding vegetables like spinach in smoothies is good for your vegetable intake and you don't even taste it.
Oliver W.
I think the healthiest breakfast you can make in the least amount of time is take some fruit and water. To me if you take something healthy at all it’s better thank grabbing some fast food on the way to your destination.
Yash C.
Overnight oats: it's just milk/yogurt/a vegan alternative, pressed oats, chopped fruit, nuts. Takes me less than 3 minutes. Only thing is you do have to remember to leave it in the fridge overnight, but it's easy and delicious!
Carrie N.
1 minute oats and an apple or banana are really easy and filling for on the go. They all provide complex carbs to get your day going. You could also prepare some boiled eggs the night before, or just scramble some in the morning with turkey bacon and veggies.