Put straight into the bowl you will eat from, 1/2 cup whole rolled oats, and a small-medium handful of your favourite seeds and nuts – I throw in a chia-based seed mix from my local supermarket, pumpkin seeds and almonds. Top with a selection of fruit of your choice. I go with berries as they’re really quick to literally throw in – strawberries with the tops removed, blueberries, and raspberries – you could also do canned peaches, sliced banana, pre-cubed watermelon and so on. Finally, top with milk and/or yoghurt, mix and eat! It took me longer to write this post than make my breakfast this morning. Can be made in the time it takes to boil a kettle for your morning tea or coffee. Buon appetit!
Fried eggs with beans and vegetables.
1 egg mixed with 50g ( 1 big breakfast spoon) low fat cottage cheese.
Cook like an omelette in a non stick pan – cooks in maybe 5 minutes (less even)
Has around 12g protein for only approx 110 calories, so you can make 2 if you need more.
Have with a slice of grainy toast and / or a piece of fruit.
Another quick one I make and eat in the car:
Grainy toast with natural Peanut Butter and 1/3 banana sliced on top (1 piece toast like this only, this is a little heavy calorie wise)
Have with 1 x Vegemite toast OR 1 x fruit (finish the banana!)
Plus an instant coffee made in a travel mug to go.
Keep it simple, best wishes!