What do you do when you feel full before even eating breakfast?

Stephanie Z.
Oh I so if I feel full before breakfast I think I will eat light breakfast but this does not happen to me. Maybe in the past few times happened (usually when I had big dinner or late dinner or had birthday party) but still in the morning I eat light breakfast based on my appetite.
Jess N.
Motivate yourself by not comparing yourself to them. Realize that everyone’s body works differently. It would be helpful to learn more about your body type and research maybe a new diet so the jogging excerise works for you. Also trying out a variety of different things from times you work out to products like supplements and vitamins!
Jess N.
I don’t. I’m barely ever full before eating breakfast. But if I am, it makes me think that my whole day is gonna be ruined
Jess N.
I think I will still eat breakfast, because if you skip breakfast, it will not be good for your health and harm to your stomach, and you will eat a lot at lunch. So if I am so full before even eating breakfast, I will still eat breakfast, maybe a smoothie or something like that.
Stephanie Z.
Try to sleep earlier. It can help you feel more hungry and also you can eat a tiny but healthy breakfast you don't need to make it complicated or huge
Jess N.
If you feel full just don’t eat. but make sure to have some sort of breakfast because breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Jess N.
This rarely happens to me! I eat dinner early so I am always hungry for breakfast. In this scenario, I would just try to eat something small, since it's better than nothing, typically opting for something sweet because I'll have a better chance of getting myself to eat it (which in most cases is better than nothing).
Jess N.
I prepare some food that I can eat whenever I feel like eating. It’s not good to wait for too long so when I feel that it’s time to eat, even if I’m still not hungry, I try to eat a small portion of my breakfast. Don’t force the breakfast down. If you feel your body rejecting the food, wait a little longer.
Emilie X.
I drink a cup of hot water and fresh lemon juice to wake the digestive system up and eat something hydrating and refreshing like cucumber, or broccoli or fruit
Jess N.
I try an eat it anyway so that I know that I’ve had food and then it keeps me full till lunch. If not maybe have breakfast later or I I can’t I’ll have a small cereal bar
Jess N.
i do other tasks than eating, for example studying for my morning class or stretching… that doesn't happen usually tho, im waking up hungry almost every day
Harry C.
I always do a short workout before my “main breakfast” I don’t like working out on a completely empty stomach though, I will always eat something light like a yoghurt, fruit etc. After working out I feel hungry enough to eat my proper breakfast!
Connie X.
I end up not eating breakfast because i do not feel the need to satisfy my hunger if i feel like its already been satisfied
Mauro E.
Only eat when you're truly hungry or when you feel you need it. Your body will tell you, what you need and when you need it.
Jess N.
I usually have the opposite problem! I wake up starving hungry even after drinking water! So I'm not the best person to ask!
Alcina P.
I don’t eat breakfast if I’m not hungry. I try to only eat when hungry and not on a scheduled time. Some days I wake up hungry other days I don’t get hungry till 10am.
Jess N.
I start my day by going to the gym. It may be hard to wake up earlier but it’s also important to have sufficient rest days. I feel much more productive and ready to go about my day when I’ve already gotten my work out out of the way first thing. It’s a great way to wake yourself and feel good in the morning. Also, reserving time in your day for a workout ensures that you’ll actually do it instead of making excuses!
Jess N.
I usually do feel that way amd because I wake up late, I wait till lunch almost every day. I just drink water to be hydrated. And also brush my teeth and it even make me feel more full😅(a tip: brushing your teeth with your left hand(if you're right handed) makes your memories and brain functions increase)
Jess N.
On free days I usually sit in my bed and scroll on my phone for a little while until I feel hungry or motivated to get up, I’ll usually have water and then get food, even if it’s something small. I always have on school days whether it’s a protein bar or cheese and nuts, but usually on weekends I skip breakfast