What do you do when you don’t see results?

Abigail T.
I would reflect on what I’ve been doing and how effectively I’ve been doing it. If I make my assessment and know I’ve been doing everything I can, I would just try to remain patient. Results don’t happen overnight, they take time to come to fruition.
Santiago T.
You keep going! Sometimes results will take time. Each and every day is a struggle. Take it one day at a time and make an effort to make it through the day successfully. Eventually and when you least expect it the results will become apparent.
Kaylie O.
Keep going and don’t give up! Yes, some days you be like I don’t see anything changing but don’t let your self down. Say to tell your self keep going and don’t give up! You will get there! It takes time!
Sacha Q.
I remind myself to be patient, that nothing can be perfect and that I’m on my own path. I remind myself that in order to see results it’s about consistency but that it’s okay to feel down and disappointed sometimes. It’s all a journey and we need to embrace every part of it- ups and downs!
Alexandra L.
The thing is, you do see results. Maybe not always where you’re looking. You just have to evaluate more thoroughly and you’ll see results in some aspect of yourself, be it your mind, your body, your mood. And that’s enough to keep you motivated.
Elsa P.
I remind myself that everything takes time. And I am running a marathon not a sprint. Slow progress doesn't always show. But small, tiny steps are better than none.
Arlene S.
I think that in this case, you should rethink everything and then reorganize your routine so that you'll see the results next time.