Desra N.
Thank you so much for your question. I have 2-3 of the same habits that I do in all of my routines. One of my morning, afternoon and evening routine habits is gratitude. It’s essential to be grateful for the little and the big. Another one of my habits I like to do throughout each routine of my day is meditate even if it’s just a 5 or 10 mins breather. It helps to support doing the hardest and yet the simplest of things in life in order to gain perspective. Thank you for letting me share.
Milica N.
Let’s be honest – that’s almost every morning 😉 I start with a 25 min time block (10 min if I’m really not in the mood) and I promise I’ll do something I love as soon as I hear the timer. Usually I just continue working past the mark; the most difficult thing is just starting 🙂