Babett S.
I like to set my routines to the time of natural phenomena, so the feeling of when to do something becomes more of a natural feeling. Like waking up at sunrise; you can sat an alarm for 6:30 but thats kind of arbitrary in itself, setting an alarm for 6:43 because thats the time that the sunrise happens on that day is a much bigger motivator. You can stop or snooze an alarm, but you cant snooze the sun. It rises with or without me, and knowing that it makes me more present and on top of things when it comes to keeping up with a schedule. Instead of taking my lunch break at 12:00, I’ll take it at solar noon and go outside to eat and take a walk to witness the height of each day. Theres nothing special about what hour it happens to be, but I align the time I do certain things with something naturally cyclical, I find much more motivation to carry out my routines on time. And everything in between feels more connected.
Kirsten Y.
You could try putting sticky notes or other physical reminders somewhere you’ll see it every day. Your bathroom mirror, on your fridge, next to your phone, your desk, etc.
Rasmus Z.
Along with the alarm i plan my activities with clear deadlines…this forces me to focus within the allocated timeframe with the intended outcome in mind
Evamaria F.
Use an alarm app that makes you do something. For example, my alarm app makes me walk with the phone for 20 seconds in order for it to stop beeping. Quite enough to make me wait up.
Andrew J.
Go to bed earlier and reduce or eliminate caffeine. You don’t want to be in a position where you are choosing between waking up to exercise and getting another hour of severely needed sleep.
Having said that, once sleep is addressed, it’s all about motivation. Make whatever you’re going to go do as easy as possible to go do. If you have to leave home lay your jacket and car keys out. If you’re going to exercise, wear your exercise clothes to bed. Commit to waking up before you get to bed.
Judith Z.
Get a good alarm an alarm that has nature sounds and change the sound every now and then.
Drink something hot and do sleep meditation. Also sleep at a reasonable time. You know your self more than anyone els. It might not work from the first day because sleep is a compiling debt that compiles by time so you will need to sleep properly for sometime before you demand yourself to wake up at a certain time.
Drink something hot and do sleep meditation. Also sleep at a reasonable time. You know your self more than anyone els. It might not work from the first day because sleep is a compiling debt that compiles by time so you will need to sleep properly for sometime before you demand yourself to wake up at a certain time.
Odila F.
Some of my recommendations that changed my mornings:
1) Read up on Hal Elrod's Miracle Morning via Google and YouTube. I am still waiting for that book to be available on loan at the library.
2) Check out Mel Robbins' "What Happens to Your Body When You Hit the Snooze Button". I watched in the Be Inspired channel on YouTube.
1) Read up on Hal Elrod's Miracle Morning via Google and YouTube. I am still waiting for that book to be available on loan at the library.
2) Check out Mel Robbins' "What Happens to Your Body When You Hit the Snooze Button". I watched in the Be Inspired channel on YouTube.