Cecilie A.
I love to make eggs and avocado toast! It’s delicious and you can make it in different ways to make it travel size. Just make sure to bring your fruit tooo!!😁😁
Mae T.
Frittatas- you can make mini ones in muffin tins, adding different fillings to keep it interesting – caramelised onions & goats cheese, roast tomatoes & basil, roasted roots – all lovely cold & easy to transport.
Olaf F.
I love oatmeal and you can make so many ways but I got some jars and have been making up oatmeal and putting several jars in refrigerator. Just take to work and heatup!
Galiano Z.
I struggle with choosing my breakfast options since I have school, something I've done is pack a bag of mixed nuts and oatmeal. It was very filling and helped kick start my day!
Doris E.
you could bring boiled egg, penaut sandwiches, a big apple or banana and so on..
Katrine Z.
Breakfast burritos! Use eggs or egg beaters, chopped vegetables of your choice, seasonings, crumbled sausage if you choose or none if you're following a low-fat path, same with cheese. Mix it all together in a skillet using a touch of canola or olive oil. Add a dash of Tabasco Roll up in whole wheat flatbread and you're good to go!
Thea U.
I don't know if this is allowed but I quite like melting 2 squares of dark chocolate and adding mixed but granola. You can leave it there.
Am Vel Q.
Hi there ^^
I suggest making a simple cheese sandwich and a fried egg sandwich and any sort of fruit those will be great ♡
I suggest making a simple cheese sandwich and a fried egg sandwich and any sort of fruit those will be great ♡
Sean U.
If you have a microwave at work, breakfast sandwiches are good to freezs and make in bulk. http://jessfuel.com/2013/05/08/freezer-breakfast-sandwiches/
Erika U.
How about a fruit and protein smoothie with some healthy fats? Include nuts, omega 3 oil, Vit D, etc.
Or make a protein bar that you can bake ahead and wrap to take with you.
Another quick option when you don't have something ready ahead is a piece of fruit and a handful of nuts!
Coline P.
Overnight oats
1/2 cup oats
1/2 cup milk or soy milk
Tsp vanilla essence
1/2 tsp butter essence
1/2 mushed up banana
Small hand full of choc chips
Marie Z.
Invest in a insulated lunch bag and a freezer bar. You can bring a nonfat non sugar yogurt, banana or other fresh fruit (I like a cup of cut up melon). 1 hard boiled eggs or 3 ounces lean turkey or chicken all taste good cold, and if you really crave carbs one slice of whole grain bread. I like Dave's Good Seed thin slices. (70 cals). As long as I have a high protein breakfast, and some fruit mid-morning, I'm good until lunch.
Louka O.
A healthy portable breakfast that I like is fruit, yoghurt, and museli. Fresh or frozen fruit works. I also have a nifty lunch container where I can store the fruit and yogurt separate from the museli until I'm ready to eat it (so it stays crunchy), but a Mason jar will do. If you're super keen, make the museli yourself in advance instead of buying it.
Carl E.
A sandwich is easy to carry and customisable. Oatmeal with fruits is a good option too since it'll keep you full for longer.
Mat O T.
For work, I feel like we want something quick and easy. Overnight oats, smoothies, cereal with fruit, almonds ( I like tamari ones), hard boiled eggs, ramen. Ramen is my guilty pleasure, I put an egg and veggies in with the noodles to make it healthier
Kiara P.
I usually have a hard boiled egg, hot tea, and blueberries with either plain yogurt or cottage cheese. I’ll change it up every so often with a smoothie , but I find keeping it fairly simple without extra carbs is best.
Sandro C.
2 boiled eggs and an apple are a very good breakfast and you get your protein