Julia Q.
Consistent self-motivation. I reflect every time I am not doing anything. It helps me to see what I am doing is for the better and it betters me. I also wrote down my morning routine down and added colour to make it more appealing to read.
Robyn N.
I usually know that I’ve got a great breakfast if it makes me happy, I enjoy it & I look forward to it as one of the good parts of my morning routine. Making sure it’s balanced is a little trickier, since it’s easy to fall into a trend of always having the same thing but I make sure that there’s often a good source of protein with a little fat/oil, & fibre to keep me full. I’ll also make sure there’s a healthy source of sugar to wake up my brain, such as maple syrup/honey or fresh fruits/berries (which can also be a huge source of fibre!) I’ll even go as far as making sure I rotate roasted veggies of all kinds onto the plate or in wraps/sandwiches for extra nutrients. Basically it’s best to always keep a little of every macro nutrient on the plate but always keep the source switched up to get the most nutrients that you can in the long run.
Bahar L.
It is a big problem to stay consistent at first, it takes a little getting-out-of-the-comfort-zone energy. I have been consistent for the past 10 days, encouraging myself to get up even through I would rather stay in bed. It taken courage. <3
Marcella C.
Start small. Begin with lotte sterpa and be aware when you make them. Be grateful and joyful every single time you complete your little task. And when it became natural just add something new, little by little.
Perla C.
Non sn coerente, perché non miglioro riguardo alle mie problematiche personali in nessun modo. Mi adopero molto per mantenere alti gli standards sia sul lavoro che in casa e adempio a tutti i miei compiti anche più del solito, sovente esagerando.