How many times a week should I practice yoga?

Cristiane C.
When I was doing yoga full time, I was going to a class three times a week. And I was really seeing a difference both mentally and physically.
Frederick Z.
It depends on how often you have done it in the past or how strong you are. Doing yoga a little every day will help you build your muscles. It will also keep you from getting too tired. However, doing a longer session a few times a week could be beneficial too. If you are doing longer sessions then I would take a day off between each session. The best amount of time would be about 15-30 minutes a day early in the morning.
Harry N.
It depends on your lifestyle, but I will say three times a week
Virg Nio A.
As many as you feel comfortable with

Alice B.
Atleast twice to four times
Rhonda Y.
Mostly daily, but any minute you practice is good enough. Start small, listen to you body, don’t set high expectations and be compassionate with your body and mi d. Don’t judge yourself and trust in your own journey. Really there are no formulas in yogA
Sander Z.
In my opinion i think you should do it at least 2 a week but you can do more if u enjoy