How long a day and at what time of the day is it recommended to stretch?

Micheal U.
I think it is recommended to stretch when you wake up when you go to sleep and before/after a workout. How long just depends on the person but I'd say 5 minute minimum.
Eduardo Z.
In my opinion Stretching for me is preferably done in the mornings so that I am able to feel relaxed and ready for the day ahead of me.
Gaspard Q.
Towards the end of the day about an hour or so before bed, would be the best time to stretch. After a hot shower/bath, when your muscles are loose, stretching can relieve whatever tension or tightness is left in your body.
Morgane S.
I prefer to stretch in the morning, right after I wake up and in the evening for one to five minutes. My morning stretches help me to think about the day and what I am going to do while my evening stretches help me to decharge the stress of the day.
Florence Q.
Iโ€™m not very regimented and will stretch for a few minutes at a time whenever I can during the day. I figure a little here and there is better than not at all ๐Ÿ™‚
Valentina Y.
Iโ€™m not sure what /time/ of day is /best/. Depends on your goal probably. Iโ€™d suggest in the morning though. Try holding each position for 30 seconds, gradually increase (at your own pace) to more like 1.5-2 minutes. ๐Ÿ˜Š
Joc Lia F.
Stretching is great first thing in the morning and after prolonged periods in one position. I donโ€™t understand the question about how long a day.