How do you stretch those tight spots between your shoulder blades, hips, and glutes?

Resi T.
Shoulders: cat/cow stretch, wall assisted stretch and I throw in the chest stretch too. Hips: forward bend, tree pose, laying down. I do the twists and knees bent feet touching for those hip flexors. Glutes: standing leg stretching and downward dog.
Adam Y.
Have you tried foam rolling? Rolling helps massage and work the muscles to straighten knots and contusions. Hurts so good and I love it.
Hermano P.
Looking for a yoga routine on YouTube or other internet sources will help you find something you're looking for. Try a few different routines and see what you find that works for you.
Rita J.
I do a pose that looks like a seal! For my stomach when it’s tight. My shoulders I juts use my arms. Anyways hopefully this is helpful