How do you show you’re grateful?

Hansiana C.
If you want to show gratitude to yourself and want to know you're grateful to yourself look in the mirror and tell yourself through the mirror what you're actually grateful and you must be truly grateful for it don't make anything up, be truly grateful. And remember you're alone so you don't have to be shy it's just you yourself and the mirror
Annweta C.
A person's face glow when they smile. There is a brightness that reflects from their face. Show this smile. Like have you ever thanked your gate keeper of your societu,school or company when the one time he opens the gate for you. He may be busy ,he may be tired ,he may be upset or neutral,but if he still opens the gate for you. Do say thanks to hin with a smile and in a polite way. He may respond to you with a smile. Its a small gesture but its beautiful.
Gabriela Z.
You can thank for the little things in life that we take for granted. For example, thanking for always having a meal. You can also show gratitude towards the people you love by helping them on something or just spending time with them.