For myself I have found it is easier to just treat it like a goal I have to make for two days in a row. Then I will push myself to add a further two days until I have completed a week of rising early, stretching to wake up and start my day.
Sure, there are days when you don't want to move or participate in getting out of bed early, stretching or even treating your body as a temple. When that happens I remind myself,
"If not today…then when?"
Usually that is incentive enough to search within myself to find that extra push I need to just get on with it.
If you miss a day remember there is always tomorrow. Don't beat yourself up as that is negative talk which undermines your goals to do better.
After all, we are all individually responsible for our own personal journeys, aren't we?
Even if the bribe is eating some sweet, the important thing is to make stretching a habit.
You could also have a weekly, or monthly goal. "If I stretch every day for x amount of time, I may spend some time, or money, etc., on this thing I wanted to do."
If you got up and did it it'll be ok, because the most hard part of doing anything is beginning it.
I really don’t stretch. What I do is Zach Bush 4 minutes work out. Because I didn’t have the possibility of customize my activity, I chose “stretch” that reminded my workout.
This workout is very energizing, ideal to begin my day