How can I create a routine that doesn’t get boring willing time?

Nehaa Rs N.
you can add stuff like little treats for yourself, things to look forward to :). It is great to have a regular pattern but is also good to have a little change !
Frederick E.
Make it fun. Find sports or activities that you enjoy, then vary the routine to keep it interesting. …
Make physical activity part of your daily routine. If it's hard to find time for exercise, don't fall back on excuses. …
Put it on paper. …
Join forces with friends, neighbors or others. …
Reward yourself. …
Be flexible.
Valentina Y.
You think about how YOU as a person live. Also think about what you want to accomplish. Are you thirsty all the time? Set a habit to drink more. Can you not fall asleep at night because you still have loads of energy? Set a timer to go outside and walk or play with friends!
Mario X.
Always allow yourself to adapt to change. Make a daily or weekly goals that you know to achieve, or a loos time table/schedule to follow so it’s not always concrete
Noemie W.
I have aweek day routine and what I call a reward weekend routine that way I strive to achieve my weekdays t be rewarded on the weekend then I'm more relaxed and freshened up to start my week again
Ruby T.
If you are someone who gets bored easily, changing your routine/ having multiple may be what’s best for you. As well, a routine doesn’t need to be your whole day, maybe it’s just the morning and evenings you have a schedule and the rest of the time is up to fate, also try and do things that you like, it’s doesn’t have to be boring
Ash E.
Reward yourself every time you complete a task that’s associated with your new fabulous lifestyle! All of the habits I created happened in just a week or two because I literally celebrates every drink of water, every meditation session, ever Sun Salutation, every tidy up time, eTc! Lee being proud of your accomplishments. That NEVER gets boring!
Potato C.
During my morning routine I like to listen to a podcast or Livestream that will put me in a good mood. Something boring enough that I'll still want to get on with my day, but something that I know will put a smile on my face
Lauren C.
Have elements within your routine that you can vary to make it more interesting. Like reading, you could read different books/types of books, maybe read articles instead so you can learn some interesting facts and be excited about learning these new things. If you do exercise, vary it, so if you’re walking, walk a different route each day, do a different yoga routine, do something else at the gym you’ve never done before. Or you could mix all the types of exercise up into waking yoga and fitness as part of your variation. Just stay creative!
August C.
In my opinion you should create a routine filled with things you like and you can change it as many times you want but remember not to go on hard on your self at first start slowly and then start putting more tasks
William N.
Small steps at first, doing the simple things like drinking water in the morning and maybe 10 squats before heading for breakfast. These are everyday life things that most of us do anyway and don't take up much time. So you won't notice it. Change up the exercise to 10 sit ups the week after. I only have 4 things in my morning routine and that is manageable.
Abhisek C.
If you are creating a routine for your works, I advice doing them in 2 or 3 hours sessions… And also few 10mins breaks in every session. And this will you make your mind be more active as a break is promised after the work time. If you study or do desk job, I advice the pomodoro 50/10 method. I follow it.
Greta N.
Hi! To me, it’s all about the things you know will make you feel great. For example, if you know that going out for a walk in the morning gives you energy for the whole day, then that step should be part of your routine! That can be anything, from drinking water over listening to podcasts or eating a delicious breakfast. As soon as you start getting a routine in the things you like, you can start adding things you maybe want to include but don’t like that much yet. Also, I don’t think that a routine has to stay the same continuously. Maybe after a few months you need a change, another order, adding a new step, changing an old one. That’s a good thing! You can totally use it to improve your old routine, and as a benefit you don’t get bored:) although I think you should stay true to the things that are most important to you.
Reha X.
Keep your routine basic and simple but for one to two hours everyday in your routine whenever u feel the most bored or most unmotivated add a activity you enjoy a lot it could even be gaming or dancing anything that motivates to finish your goals throughout the day
Veit W.
incorporating chores with things that you like. like working out in the morning while listening to music or a podcast or even watching netflix!
Adam G.
Routines should be structured around activities or tasks that bring an "easy" feeling of reward and gratitude.

Swap out one or two tasks over a two-week cycle to switch things up in your routine. This feeling should help you obtain greater satisfaction out of your set tasks.

Lina R.
the most important thing is to put goals you easily can achieve, and one what will last in the long term. let say you want to start your day by going to the gym, but you usually wake up at 10 am every day. something not to do is create a routine which forces you to wake up at 4:30 am and going to the gym. your body will be in chock and this routine will not last in the long term.

when planning out a routine try adding stuff you enjoy and not just strictly work since this will motivate you to actually start the day and create balance in your life. plan your day out wisely and wake up with the right mindset<3

Deborah T.
Its possible to spice up the routine, while still doing the same routine. You can do other activities while doing the same routine, or find small things that makes it interesting 🙂
Nadine N.
I would say starting small and adjusting as you go along would work, that way you keep things exciting and you settle in your routine.
Dan R.
I should create a routine that increase my productivity . I wanna make studying a habit. Add exercise in routine, do hw and make to-do list
Eleanor O.
You could change little/ really small things that give you a bit of a serotonin kick, I don't know what kind of routine you are creating so I can't help with details
Blob Z.
Give yourself a reward or ask someone else to give you a reward after you finish. Or you can turn the routine into a game, do things like listening to music while doing your routine. Hope this helped <3
Philomena X.
I think your routine should be basic, not too many steps and easy for you to complete. You should also choose habits, which you like and ask yourself WHY you are doing them. If you get bored remember, how it affects your life. And if necessary, change your environment a bit – change your sleeping side, pictures, decotation etc.
Moment F.
Be willing to adjust. It’s necessary to let your routine grow with you and to adjust as your schedule changes. Even the same habit can be done in a different way if that works for you. Exercise, but swim today instead of running. Journal, but make it an audio recording instead of writing. Or do it throughout the day. So many ways to adjust habits, and to remind yourself why you’re keeping these habits in the first place. That’s how I hope to stave off boredom personally.
Lorelai V.
I can work hard with the couple things I have to do to have a great morning. I can have things that are kinda fun but still get me to what I need to be done that morning so I can have an good day
Olivia Q.
Make sure u keep breaks u keep things u like included in it if u keep working day and night it eventually gets boring immediately. I would suggest keep a friend's meet every day. Something u like to eat. Listening to music. Exercise. Going out getting dressed. Go for shopping. It just makes everything even more better. Add these things randomly throughout the week and it will be better nd not boring.
Janice Z.
i also deal with this problem. the mindset is really important, it’s like you need to learn how to enjoy these little things. it’s not that easy. but the great thing is to think about why you are doing this while practicing your routine. what are the reasons to do it ?you want to be healthier or more efficient ? try to imagine the result of your work and maybe it will give you that bit of motivation and make it less boring.
Htoo U.
Add some free time in there, so you could go to the mall, cycling, hiking and more. Add your routine normal but add at least 2hours of free time. Time is Money.
Leanna E.
I can do things that I enjoy to do in the mornings like showering and working out. I can also do things that help set me up for the day like having a nice healthy breakfast and washing my face so then I don’t feel tired the entire day.
Galilea N.
Well here’s the thing, when we do something Boring we don’t do it. So you should make your routine in a way that it’s fun for you, and according to your schedule
L Via I.
you can change the times you complete the tasks and even change the way you do them! for example if writing is a task you can change the way you write, making a collage or a drawing 🤍
Karl U.
Incorporate habits that can change a little bit. For example, changing the type of exercise you do (tennis, at home, jogging)
Babette O.
Create a flexible routine! For example: i want to eat a breakfast that contains enough protein, but I don't eat the same everyday. I also sport every morning, but i don't do the same workout everyday. At night i need to do something without phone or televisie to disconect before sleeping, so sometimes i puzzle and sometimes i read. Works for me! Good luck 🙂
Kendall O.
I like to exercise and do yoga! I also like to scroll through YouTube sometimes! I also like scrolling through the community on Fabulous to see how others are doing! I don’t comment myself, but I like seeing other’s opinions! I also like to go through the daily things on Fabulous to help when I get bored! It’s great how I can set timers for reminders so I can use my routines on schooldays or busy days!
Anna X.
It has to feel natural and not forced. And not be designed with influences, Instagram or Pinterest in mind but yourself. It needs to be genuine. If it is something that is really you, it will be more natural and it will be easy to combat the feeling of boredom when it occurs.
Ian E.
Create a fun and exciting routine. I can get bored very easily about things and routine isn't really my thing. But if thag routine is fun to do everytime the routine is accomplished, maybe I won't get bored that easily.
Fanny T.
I think that if you add little things to your routine that would make you enjoy it more,you'd be less likely to become bored
for example I listen to music while doing my routine and I quite enjoy it
you could listen to a podcast or something like that
even though the routine is…well…the same,listening to different podcasts or music will being a bit of difference and/or excitement to it
Chelsie F.
You don't. Honestly you can never not get bored of something and your routine is no different. This is why you have to change your routine as you change and grow, so your routine doesn't hold you back or become boring
Alfred W.
Whatever you do.. do it with full inetrest and also make a friend join you in the habit so you do not get bored. Love Yourself!
In S C.
The best way it's just to change some things without changing routine in itself. For example, have breakfast but different food everyday, exercise but different workouts like dance or pilates. Buy some cute workout clothes, get cute water bottles or cups to makd excited to drink more water.
Mathias G.
You should begin slowly and add just a few tasks ( 2 or 3) then after a couple days, add more tasks and than more and more. Keep on going like this and you will enjoy every day more and more. Good journey
Saul N.
Hey bud, I for sure struggle with this too, but I think the key is adding habits that you truly enjoy doing to your routine. And also, don’t be too strict! If you want to do something different that will make you happy – do it, even if it’s not it in your routine!
Lic Z.
It will, it's only natural and not even bad. Consider it as an opporunity to inform yourself that you need something fresh to do. Check if you still automatically do the boring one without help of an app. Is this old one a routine already, or does it need reinforcement? If reinforcement is needed you might want to change time and/or means to fulfill a goal- an approach, an angle to a problem.
Meghna G.
Create a routine that is the same but different. For example, you can add a “workout” time to your morning routine, and do a different workout every day.
Gleice T.
É preciso mais tempo para cuidar de mim, ver como ser humano que falha e tá tudo bem! Cuidar de si mesmo é cuidar da própria saúde , eu me amo e me aceito do jeito que sou e tenho orgulho de mim
Sao Y.
Talk to people about it. They might have ideas you never thought of before. I used to find exercising boring and couldn't maintain a routine. Once my friends introduced me to aerial silks I love it so much that I have been exercising regularly for 6 years now
Selma Z.
Really believe in what you are doing, try to think that what you are doing today will make you a better and more productive person tomorrow. Sometimes, when you no longer know why you are doing it and everything would lead you to stop, I think why I started this journey, and I think what I'm doing can become really important for the goals I had set for myself.
Prisca B.
I think the only way to have a routine that you won't be bored with is to change it up once in a while. For example: if you want to create a habit on working out couple of days in a week, then you can switch it up by having some days to train your legs, arms, full body, cardio etc.
Landon S.
Create a routine that feels good for yourself and you enjoy to fulfill. If you like doing your routine it won't get boring anytime soon.
Trisha N.
A routine is not always a happy or joyful thing to do. In fact, I had to force myself, or find motivation in myself or others in order to complete them. Although, one thing is for sure, is that my routine will always a gain for myself. If it’s a lose for you, why bother putting it on your routine? My thought or my motivation to finish my routine is the idea of making the best of myself. Is the thought of “being better,” that this routine will make me a better person.
Taj E.
Improve your areas in which you lack & enjoy the process. speak to yourself and when ever feeling discouraged during the process explain why you are doing why you are doing what you are doing. Feel good that you are taking steps for your own betterment.
Laurie J.
I would work on something I like, for instance listening to music while doing my makeup is something I enjoy. Or you can do something what will keep you occupied, maybe like homework or organizing your room.
Marie N.
Jdi na to pomalu, nenech se odradit pokušením a sáhnout po telefonu po 9. hodině, nebo jíst čokoládu atd. Jestli si doopravdy přeješ samu sebe změnit, tak se tak to dokážeš jestli ne, tak ti s tím nikdo nepomůže. Musíš si z toho udělat "hru" kterou hraješ sám a na koci jsi sám vítězem.
Alwina Y.
If you create a routine that you like and works well for you, it shouldn't get boring. Because if you are doing something you love to do and look forward to then there should be no worries of it getting boring.
Jeevika X.
Creating a routine is a mandatory thing to accomplish productivity. Good job:). Trying the same thing everyday might seem really monotonous and boring and we ourselves end up not following up. Do things differently so that you dont find it boring. for instance, you wanna study , try different methods and approach to studying. Use the timer , be it a reward session or listening to lofi while studying. do things differently you ll be amazed by the way it works. try it out. SENDING WISHES:)
D Cio N.
TLDR: make it so you have to work for your reward so you have more motivation to do your routine and add your hobbies to your daily life! Make sure your routine isn't "get up, work, prepare for bed, sleep" every day, make sure to take a break and look after yourself!

I Think a more interesting and less boring routine would consist of your interests and hobbies. For example, I use my hobbies to motivate me to prepare for the day. I love riding my bike so I'll get up early, eat breakfast and stay hydrated, take a shower, clean my room and head out. The fun of riding my bike is blocked by those routines (cleaning, and getting ready for the day) so having to do those to get a reward makes it more interesting and motivational to me! And I have one for art too, before I can draw I need to clean and study and do school work. And since I'm motivated to get to the fun part, it makes me alot more productive with work, and I may do alot better in school!

Phodiso Z.
Do things that do not limit you even though it may have limits then you should be able to think around those limits and make best of your own personalized routine and that will just .ake it better than before
Ava O.
Create a routine that will get you out of your comfort zone. Something new is always exiting and it doesn’t hurt to also add things you enjoy doing into the routine. Routines are meant to get you used to doing something without having to be reminded anymore. If you’re doing something that makes you feel good and help’s you grow then your sure to want to continue doing it more often without realizing.
Bessie A.
I think routine, which include all things which you want to do and they don't make you angry or stressed, will Not boeing.
Sreelakshmi Z.
Shake Up Your Boring Routine Regularly…..
Dance Like No One's Watching. …
Sing in the Shower. …
Make a time for you….
Take breaks 😃
Seren X.
You could do things you like. If its boring for you, try something different. You will find the best section what suits you better 🙂
Rio U.
Try to make your routine different every day. Either by switching up what you do, or just by taking small breaks in between!
Leila R.
Maybe try adding steps to your routine that have options within them so you (sort of) are able to change parts and also add some little things that you enjoy doing!
Megan N.
Find different ways of doing the same tasks, switch up breakfasts, do a different exercise, go for a walk somewhere new. Keep switching things up to avoid getting bored
Ros Ria P.
Just create a routine with things that you know you’ll do, and don’t add things that you think you need but you don’t feel like doing them
Tiff N.
Make minor changes or adjustments to your routine monthly so you can switch things up and not get bored. Starting with the baby steps first will make the changes/adjustments fun and give you something to look forward to without too much pressure of adding more onto your plate.
Willow O.
I mean, that really depends on how driven you are. I have been doing the same routine for a while now, but every time I complete it, the satisfaction brings me joy.
Siya F.
Hmmm… Ok so my routine is also boring but Still I'll try to give you best ideas…
So first of all wake up Early in the morning it really feels good… First thing after brushing drink water, while drinking think some good good things about you…
Then take a shower and feel fresh… If you study then, then do some learning after shower… Then after 1 hour of studying take a 15 min break in which you can listen songs or go take some fresh air out… After routine you decide…. Make sure if you do exercise then do it daily without any gap…. And do it before taking shower… Listen songs it is very interesting….I this help you
#Good luck
Greg P.
You can vary things within your routine and remind yourself of your goals, what you want to get out of the routine. For example, if you have reading as an evening goal, try reading different books or different types of books you normally wouldn’t read. You’re still reading and learning, but it’s more interesting than the same book for 30mins throughout the week. It’s the same if you have an exercise goal; vary your workouts and you could even listen to music or a podcast at the same time. There are lots of little changes
Kenneth Z.
I find that if small steps are taken, rather than huge ones, your time will be distributed more evenly. Committing to your routine will help you be more focused on it, and inspire you to do similar things. It is easy to want to be on your phone, read a book, or do something with friends rather than doing a routine you have set up. Set yourself up for success, don't try to do so much at once, which can cause you to get bored. The more often you spread things out and commit to what you have said you would, the better off you'll be. These things will become a regular occurrence. Try to take small breaks, doing something you enjoy, rewarding yourself. Think of things that will be beneficial later on, like reading a book, taking a walk, stretching, talking to family or friends, etc.
Sharon T.
I can create a routine that doesn't get boring in time by adding a little flair to it every time so that it becomes dynamic. When the mind looks forward to that little difference, its interest on it remains.
Amalie U.
Put some stuff that you actually like doing or if you have a dog you can do the walk thing because your dog will enjoy that too also even if you only like one thing I just put that one thing and then eventually try something new
Ella J.
Create a routine that you can really stick with. You want to push yourself some because it does make it a lot more fun! It kind of makes it like a game to see how long you can do something that you’ve been struggling with for. However, also keep your routine short that way you don’t get too overwhelmed. As this app says, it’s better to start small and succeed then to rush into things and fail.
Gir O A.
Maybe create a routine that is not created generally but for yourself. An example is after waking up, you can choose to have 2 different options, either go in to bathroom or drink water. If you can't or won't do a part of a routine you can have adjustments to it
Gene R.
Make sure to give yourself breaks but also to stick to the routine till you don't have to think about it and it becomes automatic.
Jordan F.
I usually give myselve a short amount of time to get things accomplish. For example, I will start the day my walking 30 mins in the morning. When I get back, I will use my 3 5s to get ready for work. 5 minutes to excrete, 5 minutes to shave and 5 minutes to shower. Its timing!, which will seem as though you are racing for time but at the end, it will end up with more.
Tiffany Z.
I’d start a list with adding ways to motivate you with writing notes on the mirror or fridge for some positive encouragement. And also creating a playlist that’s just for you to get the day started and also coffee or tea 🤗 hope this helps!
Emily X.
I personally try to switch things up, as well as keep my mindset in tact, since that is my foundation for all my progress. To switch it up, I try new yoga routines every morning to see how each individual one makes me feel, and to see which one I like the most. I like eating different things for breakfast on different days as well. I also will sometimes listen to music to help set the mood for my day, as well as excite me for my morning routine.
Lucas F.
First of all, for creating a routine you need to choose habits that you really like and motivates you and actually impulses you to move forward and wanna go beyond. You may also can choose habits that you haven’t tried before, breaking your everyday routine and challenge you. For not getting bored with your new routine it totally depends on you, well, you are the one that sets your own goals, the only one who can decide witch direction to take, or if you want to level up your routines constantly. Your routines do not have to depend on anything or anyone to be entertaining, they depend only on you.
Signe F.
do things that you like, do not just find a routine on internet that others like. crate one for yourself that works towards your goals, and works for u. if u want u can have one for different days or that you have multiple choice on what your gonna do.
Mary Jane B.
I really suffer with sticking to routines for a long time as I get extremely bored which leads to a lack of motivation. So what I try to do is sometimes switch up the order or watch helpful YouTube videos on different ways people set up a routine and see if u can try a change of that.
Gilbert X.
You can create something that is not very specific, that is flexible, that includes breaks, that has few steps and try to include things that you like.
Lulu Z.
Try small and adding new things to it as You go if you don’t like working out do yoga and add things that make you happy like art reading or playing with pets