Hi there, I have a quite big question to ask you. How do you break through the writing/painting/inspiration block? What do you do when you’re stuck, can’t find any new ideas? The real question- what do you do when you wanna get inspired? Thanks anyways and have a good day mate:)

Sara E.
Quite a few things: go for a walk, talk to a friend, surf in the net (usually facebook gave me a lot of ideas), take a bath or a shower and sometimes sleep to dream!
Arnold E.
I never actively am busy with getting inspired. However, I find it one of the best feelings to get my mind at ease to go for a run without music or technology. It sounds likke hippy sh**, but you really become one with yourself. You'll discover things that might be bothering you or that are just very nice about life. So my suggestion would be: disconnect from technology for an hour, do something you like or go for a run or even a random walk to nowhere 🙂 Merry christmas and have a good one!
Landon P.
Hi thank you for the question. There are a few channels on YouTube that I like to listen to when I want to get inspired. They are very motivational, they give you lots of tips and they will guide you through what you is that you want to be inspired by. You just have to find a video that can help you with what you want to do. I also like to look online for things to get me inspired, like Pinterest. Piinterest has loads of great ideas and if you just search something that you want to achieve, it will give you loads of brilliant ideas. I dont know if any of this helped you but I hope you have a great day 🙂 Oh and one more thing, I also love listening to music while doing things because it really inspires me and helps me to focus. 🙂
Oscar U.
I usually look at pictures n arts i saved, so i can always go look there if i dont know what to draw and just scribble away from those