Do you have a meditation practice you like and are willing to share about?

Fernandino F.
I tend to use Headspace for my meditation. It’s a great app. I generally do it at night before I go to bed.
Est Ban Q.
I enjoy meditating in the morning, and evening when i am the most stressed. I begin by sitting in a comfortable position, breathing in and out naturally, allowing myself to be in the moment. I use the calm app for guidance, or sometimes i just guide myself. Those exercises make my mind be at ease and helps me to wind down or stay in a good mood/feeling/state of mind through the day
Clara Z.
Muse 2 headband is awesome to track meditation progression
Marius Z.
I usually use those on Fabulous and they make me feel great πŸ’œ
Malone Y.
Yes. I use Headspace, and find it is a wonderful tool.