Once in a week a like to have poached or scrambled eggs for breakfast with a slice of whole meal toast
The other 2 days in the week I enjoy a hot breakfast that isn't the healthiest but delicious nonetheless.
I hope i halped and bon appetit.
My favorite choice is a toasted flavored Bagel; 1tbsp of whipped cream cheese; a few leafs from leftover salad (or raw lettuce if you like simpler things); and either 2 sliced boiled eggs or a couple of sandwich meat slices.
If I want super tasty and have time — Blueberry Chocolate Protein Pancakes with Maple Syrup
If I want some tasty & have time — Protein French Toast made with Lentil Grain Bread and Egg White
If I want my standard breakfast with slightly less time — Vegetable Spiced Egg White Omelette with some Kiwi, Grapefruit, and Raw Bell Pepper, Sugar-Free Ketchup for flavor on Omelette
If I'm really short on time — Prepacked Hardboil Egg Whites with some seasoning with Cut Bell Pepper, Grape Tomatoes, and Couple Kiwis (takes 5min to assemble)
A healthy breakfast for me is eggs with an avocado toast. Tea on the side.