Good luck!!
Banana Date Smoothie.
Overnight Oats (Instant Oats, Granola, Blueberries, Blackberries, Jumbo Raisins, Coconut Shreds/Chips, Hemp Hearts, Chia Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Maple Syrup, Almond Milk).
This is coming from a 3 year vegan. No animals had to be killed or exploited, it's affordable, and I'm getting more than I need.
Dinner involves Lentil Soup with Chickpeas & Red/Black Beans, as well as Baked Sweet Potato with Cinnamon.
Snacks include Apples, Bananas, Kiwi, Clementines, Larabars (Peanut Butter), Peanut Butter Spoonful, Organic Rice Protein Powder (not necessary, but I'm striving to build as much muscle mass as I can).
Watch 'Game Changers' when it comes out. It's produced by James Cameron. Watch 'The Best Speech You Will Ever Hear' by Gary Yourofsky on YouTube in the mean time.