What is your favorite smoothie recipe?

Kristin Z.
My favourite smoothie recipie is Berry Matcha & Greens Smothie
3/4 c. Mixed Berries
(Frozen or fresh)
1 c. Greens (spinach,
kale, etc)
2 tsp. Matcha Tea
2 tbsp. Chia seeds
1 tsp. Cinnamon
1 tbsp. Flax seeds
1 c. Almond milk

First, take the Chia seeds and stir into 4 tbsp of water. Let stand for 10-15 mins until they become soft and absorb the water.
Add to all ingredients and blend.
Substitute fruits and greens with YOUR favourites to make your own smoothie.

Mikkel W.
Unfortunitely I do not like smoothies very much but when I was younger my mom would always make me a banana and peanut butter smoothie
Jeffrey F.
1 cup ice
2 cups frozen fruit
1 Scoop of whey protein
2 Scoops of yogurt
Handful of kale
Scoop of veggie greens
Blend well.
Ida A.
Greek yogurt, frozen peaches or mangos (those are the best for this recipe, especially surprisingly peaches are my favourite option for this one, not mangos, but mixed berry is also good), spoonful of peanut butter, oats, and whichever type of liquid you want (with this one, milk is great or almond/coconut milk etc. I find these are better than juice or whatever for this recipe)
Kayla S.
Blend a frozen banana with soy milk, a dash of cinnamon powder and a sweetener of your choice. I like to add some cocoa powder to it too. It makes me feel like I'm having dessert for breakfast.
Elsa Q.
I follow a general recipe you can personalize. Half to a full cup of fruit (frozen), half cup veggies, 1 tbsp ground flax/chia, 1 cup non-dairy milk, 1 scoop protein powder, and maybe 1 tsp maca and 1 tbsp almond butter if I'm looking for something nutty.

The veggies could be a handful of spinach or kale, 1/4 avocado, or riced cauliflower.

I use pea protein powder and switch up my non-dairy milk often. If you don't use protein powder you can use plain Greek yogurt (I LOVE Chobani)

Kim Q.
I love using frozen fruit and veggies!! Try having frozen strawberries and mango mixed with a banana. You can always add spinach or kale if you need more greens!
Lya Z.
1/2 cup Greek yogurt
1/4 cup spinach (roughly, I just grab a small handful )
3/4 cup frozen berries
1/2 banana (fresh or frozen)
1 tbsp peanut butter
1 tsp honey
12-16 oz almond milk

It’s about 350-400 calories, tastes good, and it keeps you full for a while.

Tim P.
I love a peanut butter banana smoothie. 1 banana, couple scoops of peanut butter, a cup of almond milk and some chocolate or protein powder. You can also add honey or chia seeds!
Milos O.
My go-to smoothie is 1 cup milk, 1 frozen banana, 3 tablespoons peanut butter and 1 tablespoon honey.

(I slice the bananas and freeze them on parchment paper on a baking tray overnight.)

Regina U.
Frozen strawberries for flavor, chocolate protein for gains, spinach for health, almond milk for my belly, blended until thick and smooth
Cherly P.
Strawberry and mango made with orange juice. It's light and refreshing. Tossing in some mint, cucumber, or coconut water is also a nice twist
No Lia E.
Rather than a smoothie, a mash of sweet potato, banana, and almond butter. With cinnamon and a little almond milk. Faster than a smoothie and less cleanup.
Aquira Q.
I try to keep my smoothies sugar free and to go with the favorite, I just use low fat milk, fresh bananas, chocolate peanut butter , nuts, and a pinch of sweet cinnamon. Gulp it down and voila!
Signe F.
2.5 tspn cinnamon
2.5 tspn matcha
2.5 tspn ground flaxseed
200ml juice
100g yogurt
Spinach (your preference of grams)
140g mango
Elias I.
Pprotein shake with avocado, bananas, and strawberry. I add lecithin, yeast, and another amazing shake with plant nutrients that I miss in my normal diet.
Simon E.
Half a frozen banana, 1 tsp maca powder, 1/2 tsp turmeric, two dates, almond milk, 2 scoops of chocolate protein powder (we use Nutritech Vegan) and 1 large spoon peanut butter. Delicious 😋
Molly O.
I love almost anything green in a smoothie – avocado, spinach, cucumber, mint. A bit of lemon – or coconut milk/ water. Might put in a banana for sweetness – or a bit of pineapple but it shouldn’t be too sweet! Try this: https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrJS9W7QXpcpUwAMHEEH8VQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByaW11dnNvBGNvbG8DaXIyBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg–/RV=2/RE=1551544892/RO=10/RU=https%3a%2f%2fwww.allrecipes.com%2frecipe%2f236413%2fpineapple-cleanser-smoothie%2f/RK=2/RS=r3d01E0bszUqNr7lZXzQmt8y8jk-
Vernon O.
peanut butter protein shake! add ice, almond milk, protein powde4, half a banana, oats, peqnut butter & a handfull of mixed nuts and blend. this is my go-to.
Abigail U.
Love the mornings or recovery smoothie! I alter yoghurt measure based on calories needed.
1 c unsweetened almond milk
1/2 c low fat Greek plain yoghurt
1 c frozen berries (usually seeded berries)
1 scoop GNC soy protein
1 tbsp Stevia (optional)
Eugen F.
Bananas and strawberries with Almond mike and Purition protein powder with lots of ice all the nutra bullet forn30 seconds delicious
Jano F.
I really like strawberries, blueberries, a banana, some coconut flakes, some vanilla extract, and some oats mixed together. sometimes even without the banana is really good!
Holly R.
Mixed smoothie-To make a smoothie I add everything into a blender, and then blend until smooth. For an icy cold smoothie, throw in a handful of ice or use frozen fruits
Burkhard O.
I would have to say that strawberry, vanilla, and banana or blueberry smoothie . They’re amazing! Especially when you use ice cream or yogurt with it. DONT FORGET THE ICE AND MILK TOO! ( I like almond milk with mine :3)
Silmara S.
Half a banana with at least 4 strawberries, a small handful of blueberries and a hint of ginger, finished with a healthy amount of greek yoghurt
Julie U.
I have this special love for bananas..
So here's my favourite recipe..
Spinach and Banana Smoothie

1cup- Spinach
1- Whole banana, fresh or frozen
½ cup milk
Honey- To taste, as a sweetener (optional)

All you have to do is blend them together.

Benefits of spinach
* It is loaded with vitamins like A, B2, C and K and contains antioxidants and minerals too.
* It has a high nutritional value and has magnesium, manganese, folate, iron, calcium and potassium.
* Low on calories, this green also fights osteoporosis, heart diseases, arthritis and cancer. However it is advisable to eat spinach with vitamin C rich foods as it contains oxalic acid which can reduce the nutritional intake of your body.

Benefits of banana
* Its calorific value is 105 – 250.
* Contains 18% vitamin C, 13% potassium, 12% dietery fibres and 9% manganese. Also, has Vitamin B6 which increases the production of anti-bodies.
* Helps in reducing blood pressure.

Daphn S.
My favorite smoothie recipe is strawberry smoothie with chia seeds. I haven't had one in a long while, but when I do, I love having it with some almond milk, a little bit of honey, and a quarter cup of plain yogurt. Sometimes, when I want add more fiber I add some apples or some frozen mangoes for some tropical taste.
Chris J.
I actually have no idea. I really like berry smoothies, but I also like chocolate ones. The one I make the most often is blueberry and mango though. It sounds weird, but it's actually pretty good!
Timothee C.
Not much of a smoothie person but for breakfast i like something nutritious and filling
Handful of spinach
1 banana
1 cup frozen berries
1 tbspn milled chia seeds
1 tbspn flax seeds
1 cup almond milk
Sometimes 1 tspn almond nut butter
Lena Z.
Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie

1 cup almond milk
1/3 cup peanut butter
2-3 pitted dates
1/4 cup oats (quick or old fashioned)
2 bananas, peeled, cut into chunks and frozen
1/2 cup ice

Rahel W.
My favorite smoothie recipe is 3 cubes of frozen spinach, a handful of frozen mango or pineapple chunks, some cinnamon or mint or cilantro, and water.
Glenda F.
My favorite smoothie is a detox smoothie. Spinach, cucumber, pineapple lime juice and coconut oil with ice and a cup of water. Tastes like a piña colada
Elouan Y.
I usually try to make them as easy as possible, so I will usually add orange juice, a half a banana, a handful of spinach, and whatever other fruit or greens I have lying around. I blend it up and then add water or OJ as needed, and then some ice. You could add in nuts or flax seed too. But typically, the banana and the OJ will cover the taste of any greens or spinach, so go crazy 🙂
Valdemar C.
I am a Disbetic:
I enjoy Blending 2 banana, ice chips, 8 strawberries, three drops of vanilla and almond essence each, a little bit of ground ginger (takes nutrients to the spot and fixes), 1 teaspoon Organic Greens Dietary Supplement (USAD approved)