What is you favourite fitness things you like to do?

Niklas U.
I like a little yoga in the morning. Most days, I do some bodyweight excercises or a run in the afternoon. I especially like listening to podcasts while running.
Adriana R.
There are different things you could try like pilates, yoga or gymnastics. Those are my personal favorites. But you can always try new things like football/soccer, tennis, swimming…
if you are interested in home and small space friendly exercises you can always try YouTube videos from fitness gurus that make programs for free (like lily sabri, chloe ting, Pamela riff, Alexis Rey…)
Barbara J.
Some of my favorite exercises are sports enjoyed outside in warmer weather. I line to bicycle, run/walk 5ks, play tennis and swim.

During the winter is my blah time. I try to make yoga and pilates work. I have a treadmill but don’t really like it as much as the outside. I do cardio classes.
But consistency is not there for any of it – it always seems like a chore.

Di Lynn F.
I really love doing yoga. It's a fairly gentle exercise, while being a good workout. It helps me ground and center, as well as become more in tune with my body.
Peggy Z.
I like cardio fitness, but as I embarked on a more Zen approach and started practicing yoga, I guess yoga is becoming my favorite fitness thing as it not only work out my body it also helps my mind and soul
Emily F.
I love being active so I enjoy a number of exercises. My favourites are swimming (when I can) as it works my entire body and was something I was so scared of to begin with, and pilates, as it pushes two things I'm not very good at which are strength exercises and flexibilty.
On a daily basis, I usually go for a quick morning jog around the park or a nice long walk in the mud. Both things I love, I think it's super important to love what you do if you want to keep at it.
Wallace P.
I like to do something that grounds me to myself and the earth. My favorite is surfing. Nothing make me feel all around good as after a session of surfing. But I live in the mountains so a good hour of ski touring is close
Isabella P.
I find sit ups are the most affective along with squats. But I enjoy burpees the most. If you are having trouble finding workouts you can look on here or look on Pinterest.
Raquel G.
I'm not really into fitness that much but I am interested in consistently moving high energy circuits like tai bo or zumba
Brittany J.
I love sports more than any other form of exercise. But I also enjoy my wotkout sessions. Since we've been in quarantine for, what feels like forever, I've started doing bodyweight training at home. It's intense and exhausting. But so worth it. I've started to look past the pain, and just focus on the satisfying feeling you get post workout. It's good for you and you know it. You can feel it!
Maxence Y.
Stretching legs (quadriceps, mollets, ichios, mollets avec ceinture, fessiers), back exercices (arm & legs, roll boll, side back stretching), abdos, squat a 2 jambes
Alx C.
I don't LIKE do many fitness things, in fact I enjoy only doing parkour because it's grained with many of my lines of thoughts, but, I do try to eat healthy because I have notice on first hand the inmidiate consecuences of it in my been, and even I almost hate doing exercise I obligate myself to do 30-40 min weekdays to keep the body I want, and prevent early emciation of the muscles tissue. Selfcare and selflove it's not allways giving what you want or deserve, but allways what you need.
Nena I.
I like to do the 7 minute workout on the app, then yoga (sun salutations) then meditate. Short bursts of each one then before I know it that's a 30 minute workout!
Britt940 Sbcglobal Net N.
Yoga has been really helpful for me. It is low-impact and I can control the intensity. Yoga also works closely with breathing, which helps me all around.
Jennifer O.
Dancing is my favorite! I love learning new styles of dance, free styling to random songs, or even learning specific choreography. It makes me feel super excited to work out. The latest dance I learned is the Canter’s Cave version of the Cotton Eye Joe line dance. It’s super fun, and is a great workout!
Nicola T.
Being outdoors exoloring beautiful places – so horse riding and more recently running!

Also stretching and core exercises, I'm good at them so that's always satisfying. Finally weights, because nothing makes you feel more like you could be in a superhero film more than weights or doing pull ups!

Nessa A.
I like to do yoga mostly. I follow an app, or video to help me learn the poses. I also like weight training, or shot Tabata sessions. I have an app that allows me to mix and match and helps me schedule different workouts to keep it interesting
Esther C.
Не люблю спорт и фитнес, но если и выбирать, то любое упражнение, которое я в силах выполнить и которое напрягает мои мышцы, это приятное ощущение
Melissa S.
I like to do yoga very much. It helps to focus my mind but also brings physical benefits to my body. Within yoga I can incorporate movements that focus on a particular body area too, like my stomach which always needs toning.
Klaus F.
When I'm not working, dumbbell circuits. Cardio and calisthenics when I am. On my rest days I always try to do some yoga and walk every day 🙂
Samantha N.
I love to do cardio! It use to be something that really annoyed me. But as I got older and I had more anxieties, cardio really really helped me. My heart racing because of physical activity compared to a panic attack felt so much better. Since, I have less panic attacks. I also love strength training. I still have a hard time doing meditation and yoga, but I am working on it.