El A O.
I try to go to bed with the Mantra I have a purpose. After waking up also I repeat to myself that I have a purpose. It helps me to get out of the bed early.
Isaac X.
It’s hard. I can’t say I’ve mastered that just yet. I am trying just to be kind to myself and give myself the time. Eventually we won’t hit the snooze button.
Joanne W.
Honestly, I'd say no. 1 would be just going to bed a little earlier so you feel less tired when the buzzer hits.
Besides that there's a couple of other things – let light into the room. Your body recognizes the light as the sun comes up and will wake you up naturally. If you get up before the sun there's a clock that imitates sun rise by gradually getting lighter.
Give yourself something to look forward to in the morning, like make yourself a really tasty "overnight oats" recipe that you can't wait to eat or something.
Hope this helps!
Besides that there's a couple of other things – let light into the room. Your body recognizes the light as the sun comes up and will wake you up naturally. If you get up before the sun there's a clock that imitates sun rise by gradually getting lighter.
Give yourself something to look forward to in the morning, like make yourself a really tasty "overnight oats" recipe that you can't wait to eat or something.
Hope this helps!
Basile E.
I use an app called Sleep Cycle that plays gentle music and it wakes you up within a half hour timeframe and targets your lightest sleep cycle. So the time when you’re closest to being awake the app tracks that and wakes you up. I do find this to be an easier way to wake up because I’m already naturally closer to being awake then with a traditional alarm clock where Im bolted awake and then instantly snooze. I also use essential oils so I keep peppermint or lime or eucalyptus right by my bed and the first thing I do when I roll over to grab my phone is smell one of those oils and it jolts my brain right into being awake.
Art O.
Several suggestions:
1. Your alarm. Make the sound/ringtone a SONG. A motivational song that you love and will help get you out of bed.
2. Preparation. Get either your workout clothes or outfit laid out, beginnings of your breakfast set up, etc. the night before. The preparedness will help motivate you to get up and will be several less things to worry about while you’re first waking.
3. Gratitude ritual. Make some kind of gratitude self-talk ritual part of your first intentional thoughts upon waking. “I am so happy and grateful for…,” and repeat.
1. Your alarm. Make the sound/ringtone a SONG. A motivational song that you love and will help get you out of bed.
2. Preparation. Get either your workout clothes or outfit laid out, beginnings of your breakfast set up, etc. the night before. The preparedness will help motivate you to get up and will be several less things to worry about while you’re first waking.
3. Gratitude ritual. Make some kind of gratitude self-talk ritual part of your first intentional thoughts upon waking. “I am so happy and grateful for…,” and repeat.
Those are my specific suggestions.
Kirk Z.
Set your alarm away from the bed when it goes off stand immediately and go to turn it off don’t do social media think of all the things you’re thankful for and the all the accomplishment you’re made Life is Fantastic
Tracey J.
To minimize the chance of snoozing in the morning, the night before I make a short written plan for my day or the first activities of the day (besides the golden triangle). So, even though I don't get 100% consistency all of the time, it helps me to wake with determination and thus avoid snoozing. Hope this helps.
Bobby Q.
Think of your alarm as a trampoline- a spring board – when you hear it rise up chug that water and then get moving – I avoid looking at Social media to not get myself in a loop too until after my triangle is done
Flora Y.
As soon as the first alarm goes off, I forced myself to turn on my bedside lamp. Then I moved my phone way out of reach so that I would physically have to get up to turn it off.
Dana U.
Ahhhh, I’m having the same exact problem. I have to make myself get up right when the alarm goes off. I cannot even allow myself one more minute, otherwise it’s too difficult to get out of bed at the time that I want.
Johan W.
I struggle with this too, so I don’t have a sure fire answer here. I generally set my alarm 15 minutes earlier than I need it go off just so I can hit the snooze button and still start my day on time. Best of luck😊
Sander F.
I focus on the first thing only. Drink water. If I can do that, then I tell myself I can shut my eyes again if I want to, but usually just that small thing is enough to kick start the rest. If I start to think about exercise or breakfast before I’ve opened my eyes, or before I’ve drunk the water it’s more difficult.
Ross R.
There is a glass of water near my bed, and any kind of “thermal spring water (aqua spray)” 😅 When I say “just 5 more minutes” , I drink water and spray the other to my face 🙈 I love sleeping but I have to work.
Tyler Q.
Turn up your volume on your phone so you can hear your alarm go off and that could help you fight the urge to snooze for 5 more minutes in bed and as soon as you hear your alarm get out of bed immediately.
Juliana P.
If you snooze, your mentality is that you will benefit from it. Does snoozing ACTUALLY make you feel more rested? No. Often I feel more tired, and the dread keeps mounting with each snooze. Instead of acting like you’re leaving your bed, and that being negative, think about how you get to come back to it.
Amanda O.
I try to keep distractions (ie phones) away from the bedside – that helps me avoid lazing in bed looking at my phone. If snoozing is still a problem then I have to face facts and go to bed earlier. After all, sleep is really important and having trouble waking up is a sign that your body and mind need more rest.
Theo N.
Honestly I still do this sometimes too, but what helps is using one of the handful of apps that you leave on your bed at night. It tracks your movements and wakes you up only when you’re outside of deep sleep. I wake up reliably less groggy, and I can trust that I’m biologically READY to be awake— if I snooze, I know I’ll just feel slower the rest of the day. Good luck!
William Y.
Make the alarm volume very loud and keep it out of reach from the bed. This will force u to get out of bed to switch off that annoying noise messing with your sleep. You won't go back to bed again after a short walk to the alarm 🙂
Alicia T.
I know exactly what you mean! When that first alarm goes off I know I have to force myself to sit up. I say to myself, ‘just sit up’. That’s my starting point. Then I open the Fabulous app. This then sets me on my path. Or When I sit up, I say ‘now go to the bathroom ‘, drink some water (I have a large water bottle right next to the sink or in the cupboard) and then I open the app. I dont bother getting changed, I just do the 7min workout in my PJ’s as it’s pretty quick and I don’t get up a sweat.
Hope this helps!
Hope this helps!
Ramon J.
Music, equals stretching, equals bathroom break, equals down a half bottle of water, equals wash your face, equals read, equals write, equals eat a great breakfast and that equals to brush your teeth so you’ll be ready for your first morning run
Emi A.
For me I don't fight the snooze urge myself, I let technology do that. I give my sleep app a range of when to wake me up that is a good acceptable time no matter when in the range I get up. Then if I am feeling OK when the alarm goes off I just get up else I use the snooze feature. But it has a built in method that reduces how long I can snooze it and cuts me off if we reach the end of my range. Then to actually turn it off I have to do a visual puzzle that I need to be more awake to do which makes it harder to try to sleep afterward.
Inaya E.
I wish I knew! I’m also struggling with this. It’s been helping to keep my phone and other things away from my bed so I don’t scroll through email from bed. I’ve also been signing up for fitness classes in the morning that I have to get up to make, the days I have those I’m much better at not lingering!
Christina U.
I make sure I go to sleep at a reasonable time. I also have my alarms for no snooze, this helps me not go back to sleep so I am not late.
Miriam F.
I’m the exact same tbh. I manage to drink water and all that in the morning easy and to have a good breakfast since I work from home most off the time but I struggle getting out of bed in the morning. I’ve started to open up my curtains so my room starts to go light at sunrise which seems to help a little bit..
Ellen O.
I enjoy having some time to myself in the mornings, before anybody else in the house is out of bed. Having some peace and quiet, a good breakfast and time to get ready sets me up for a better day.
Marleen U.
From my experience there are 2 useful tips: 1) Leave your phone (or clock with alarm) far from you bed, so you will need go out from bed and walk a little to snooze alarm. It will be much easier to wake up after it 2) Always set alarm at time you are really need to wake up, not earlier. Once you snooze alarm (because you can afford to slip one more hour), you will create habbit
Gregory Z.
I use the Alarmy app and the setting to take a picture of something. I have picked a specific pan I leave on the stove in my kitchen and I have to get out of bed, go to the kitchen, turn on the lichts and take a ressembling picture before the alarm stops ringing. Works like a charm! The key is to get out of bed 🙂
Madaleno F.
I have 3 strategies.
1) I put my alarm away from my bed and I force myself get out of bed for turn off the alarm.
2)I say "no. If you wake up you feel better. You can wake up. Let's do it"
3) If I need really 5 minutes then I let sleep 5 minutes but I check the time.
1) I put my alarm away from my bed and I force myself get out of bed for turn off the alarm.
2)I say "no. If you wake up you feel better. You can wake up. Let's do it"
3) If I need really 5 minutes then I let sleep 5 minutes but I check the time.
Isaiah T.
Whenyougo to bed, lookat the time and calculate 8 hours from then, because it usually takes a good 8 hours ofsleep in order to be able to function fully. So, try that and soon you wonthe need the extra five minutes.
Felix W.
I place my phone on the dresser across the room or on the other side of my nightstand making it harder to get to. And I also think about what that extra 5 minutes has felt like in the past: very few times have been satisfying and most times I sit there worrying if I’ll actually wake up when I need to or if I’ll sleep through my alarm!
Ilonka J.
Someone once said that the amount of energy that is used to wake up the first time will not be exceeded any consecutive time. So each time you hit snooze the more tired you will be!
Matthew P.
I’m not sure- I have same problem-
Perhaps change the ritual a little bit?
Wake up and exercise for 15 minutes right away?
Or take a walk and meditate?
I’m not sure- I’m still working on it!
Joshua A.
I stopped fighting it. I gave myself permission to do it. I just made sure that I asked myself in that decision moment, which would I prefer, snoozing longer we’re getting up. At first I kept using snoozing. Eventually I started to have success. Another step I added was keeping a log. Every day I wrote what I decided (snooze or get up). It helped me become more aware of my decisions and helped me track it – and be honest with myself.
Cecilie P.
I am not the best to give such advice, because I myself do the same. I cope with it, but putting the alarm 5 minutes earlier each day. I still snooze, but still have that extra time needed to follow my routine. Also, after some time ( 20+ days) my brain wakes up at the same hour.
Kristin G.
I try to remember that I’ll be disappointed in myself later if I don’t roll out of bed now. I also tell myself, “ you’re just being lazy.” Seems to motivate me a bit.
Benjamin E.
Humans need to sleep as it was natural to our body, so at least 12 hours in winter and at least 9 hours in summer, going early to bed helps get up fresh and without need of extra time in bed. Imagine ourselves as natural without technology like artificial light or alarm.
Silas C.
I am not sure what type of alarm you use but most smart phones have a bed time setting now. On an iPhone the bed time alarm in the morning does a gradual wake up. To be gradually woken up is better than being jolted awake as this can ruin the state of sleep you are in. This has helped me to be more likely to ge tup. They other factor is being better about setting a time to sleep. When I set my time to sleep and actually get to sleep at that time I usually get up in the am no problem.
Tammy P.
Put cold water in an insulated bottle by alarm. Drink it and do a burpee to get the blood bumping. This double shock to the system gets you more alert faster and you can chain your other habits.
Samantha X.
Move your alarm or phone across to the other side of the room so you have to get out of bed to turn it off. I find that once I'm out of bed, it easier to stay up.
Rosa Z.
That first thought when I wake up is often self-defeating to the habit of rising at the same time – but if I can just say to myself -try it- get your books and phone and water and afghan and sit on the couch. By the time I do I am so happy to have the morning time…I stay and complete my habits
Aymeric S.
Go to sleep earlier. I always say that but when I sleep earlier I can say I had those extra sleep. Or put the phone away from ur bed. Put in cup to make louder.
Emy Y.
I wake up earlier when i have to just because i can have this 5 more minutes. For me it works! I will get up exactly right time. 🙂
B R Nice F.
For me I set only one alarms and never got used to snoozing so that helps, when thinking if I turn this off there's a risk I fall asleep again and wake up super late. I also tend to wake up and sit up in bed or get out of bed as soon as it goes off, so even though I feel sleepy, I am already out of the position where I will fall asleep again. It could also be that you go to bed late, I find if I go to bed super early I wake up before my alarm. And also, waking up every day at the same time even on weekends will get your body used to getting up at the same time which will make it easier
Nevaeh U.
I believe the best way to start the day is to prepare the night before. Set up what you need to start the day before you go to bed and try some simple self-talk before you drift off to sleep such as "I'm going to achieve all my goals tomorrow" or "I'm going to make tomorrow a great day!"
B Rbel B.
Hi, I’ve had the same problem since I can remember lol it was always just hard for me getting out of bed, So recently I downloaded an app named “Alarmy” u can basically find it in App Store so the app has an option that when the alarm starts ringing it won’t go off unless u take a picture of the something (u already gave the app the specific picture) so yea I gave the app a picture which is far from my bed and when I want to turn the alarm off I have to get out of bed and take that specific pic to turn it off and it actually works for me
Hope this was helpful to you.
Hope this was helpful to you.
Lucie X.
It’s not easy. I’ve found the best way to help from hitting snooze is to remove the problem altogether. Don’t have a snooze alarm by your bed. Keep your alarm clock across the room where you are forced to get up to turn it off. If you need to go out and get an old fashioned wind up bell alarm clock. No lights, no snooze, and those bells are LOUD. Keep the habit long and consistent enough and this stops being any problem at all.
Linda Z.
Set 3 alarms. One mechanically powered (wind up), one electrically powered, and one battery powered. I learned this from jocko willink, retired navy seal, in his book Extreme Ownership. Since I don't have a wind up clock ( I will get one when on the future) I use my google home that is plugged into my wall to wake my up first and then I set an alarm staggered by 5 minutes on my phone. I also set my phone to charge by the door out of range of bed. I think this is an important step psychologically. It helps me get out of bed immediately when my first alarm rings bc I know that if I don't I will just have to get up in 5 minutes to turn the second one off. And if I let the second one go off I consider that partial failure. View you alarm clock as a test in the morning. If you get up when it rings, you pass. If you don't, then you have failed. This sets the tone for your day and therefore is very important.