What helps you stop and focus on the days where sitting still and meditation feels almost impossible?

Sherry J.
The thing that helps me stop and focus when I've had a hectic day that keeps wanting to go on and on and on is to remember how it felt the last time that I meditated and I got in the zone.

Felix F.
It’s Non-negotiable. You just stop and do it. You’ll be more productive after you stop and meditate. You'll be more “here” than you would be if you didn’t do it.

Jacob Q.
I have a problem getting enough sleep, so I get tired and my body has to rest regardless of what else is going on. Afterwards, I can tackle what I can without straining myself.

Jean O.
If you have a lot of energy every day, set aside time to adjust your plans and such. I do this in a separate huge notebook, since I have a bullet journal for long term planning.

Quentin Y.
It's one of the first things I do when I wake up, usually after drinking water to refresh the body. In this way I'm already in my meditation place and all it takes is 10 minutes, if I have work I simply set an earlier alarm. Its important to persist in staying still and ignore your thoughts and urges, drawing attention back to your breathing, if you struggle with this try a few of the self control sessions on here.

Gerhard O.
What helps me to do this is the thought of me giving my time and energy to the people I work with, my partner, my friends, and loved ones and not stopping to observe and be present. I just see that the power of meditation is to make you stop for a second and do something for yourself. No one else is going to breathe for you no matter what, this is your responsibility. We must be there for ourselves if we expect it from others!

Jonathan N.
Deep breathing… letting emotions happen. And reminding myself not to let myself be forced to accelerate, speed up, go faster than I want to.

Terrence J.
Listening to my favourite body scan guided meditation gets me back in my body. The intensity of the prompts is helpful to keep focussed and the dulcet Scottish tones of Andrew Johnson’s meditation on insight timer lull me every time.

Tyler J.
Honestly, on days where I’m not able to sit still and get focused are days where I need to get up and moving. Getting at least 20 minutes of exercise can help release some energy to get you alert and focused on any work that needs to get done. This doesn’t have to be high intensity, it can be as simple and easy as going for a nice walk.

Damas Y.
Meditation is a practice. It is something to pursue. It isn't something that you capture or achieve. It isn't a cure. It is not a state of mind that I must achieve today. It is a journey. It is a direction that changes and a method that evolves. I don't meditate. I practice.

Henry C.
If I have to be moving around and getting ish done, I try and slow down. Focus on my breathing. That makes my chore or task become an act of mindfulness. I become aware of what I’m doing, why I’m doing it, and slow down and quiet my head from rattling off the next things I have to accomplish.

Martha Y.
I meditate in the early morning when I wake up and in the evening before sleep. During the day, I would only stop and meditate when I really need.

Cosima F.
It's the power of habit. I wake up everyday 5AM and MY BRAIN KNOWS he must do this. If thoughts come around I put my attention in my body touching the couch and I start to focus on my breath again. In the first days I often returned to my bed after meditation and take a nice nap. Did you see how the habit works? Just keep in mind, the first 21 days are the hardest part. After this, it's like you have been done this your whole life. Good fight, warrior.

Henny Y.
I do my best to breath through my anxieties and clear my mind. When that doesn't work I’ll get up to do a short, easily accomplished task and then sit down and try again. Some days I have to try multiple times but it’s always worth it. ❤️ Keep at it! You’ve got this !

Eufr Sio G.
I know that meditating will help me sleep at night and help me feel more ready for everything the next day so I look at it as investing in my efforts. I take a few minutes to meditate so that I can give my best

Svea Z.
You could read a book to get your mind of things but if sitting still doesn’t work well then you could plug your headphones in and have a little dance party or go for a small run or even just a walk. If you don’t feel like leaving the house you could do an indoor workout or some yoga. If none of that works for you then you could always give yourself a little break and spend time on your phone or computer or catch up on your fav show. Whatever makes you happy.