Jonathan Z.
I use my Journal in the morning to unload my fears and anxieties and to frame them better in terms of positive experiences and I’m starting to write about what I want to be
Silke X.
When i write in my journal, i tend to write about what happened that day. I’ll also write about something that’s coming up and how i feel about it. It really helps me calm down. I write the date and how i feel as well.
Carolina Q.
Everything is about put my feelings out. I talk to myself on my journal about my feelings and what I think about the circunstancies of my life in society and my emotions.
L Gia A.
I find using a template works well for me. I use categories like environment, feelings, what went well, what could have gone better and what changes I'm gonna make to continue with my main goal. I find using a app works best for me because of convenience and it gives me the option to update it anywhere.
Rosy T.
Escribo cualquier cosa que me venga a la mente primero, a veces son cosas que yo considero importante como pequeños logros del día y otras veces escribo mis sentimientos o pensamientos que tuve en el día y cómo me sentí o haré con ello. Creo que el principal objetivo de escribir un diario es vaciar nuestra cabeza 😄
Sarah Y.
I do a law of attraction journal, mainly. Every week I write down goals (burning desires), actions on I can take to make them happen, how I will feel at the end of each day and a few positive things about myself. For example if you feel scared about an upcoming project, rather than saying “I am scared” say “I am limitless”. These prompts force you to change your negative thoughts, and not just of yourself. It forces you to think about what you can control and how to make a positive chain reaction.