Alejandra Y.
For me, the most important part of the journal is writing- as in, the freedom of not having to structure it in any way. I write sideways, back to front, upside down… Whatever the most comfortable way of writing may be at the moment. Even the sentences I write may not be complete, just fragments of thoughts. The only structure that I have is consistently writing the date before I begin journaling. The freedom and non-judgement of writing in whatever way I see fit that day allows me to focus on putting down the thoughts and feelings, which gives me a sense of clarity, peace, and allows me to understand better what gives me purpose and motivation for the day.
Dani P.
I use an app so I can write and put pictures, of course if you want some more privacy you can always use a big notebook and make every page a day, mark the page with the date so is easier to be organized.
Thomas Z.
I try to organise by month but other than that I don't organise at all. I find the more rules and order I put towards journaling, the less personal and helpful it actually is. I date the entries but that's all I do just now.
Sammy W.
I organise my journal by the day and time I write and usually go on a quick summary of the day or goin in detail about a specific activity of the day.
Annabel F.
Try not to view it as a mess, but an expression of where your head was that day.
Unless you're going to polish your journal, it IS a rough draft. Remember this is just for you, (unless you want someone to read it).
Even if it's a mess, it still demonstrates you– and aren't there days for everyone when we're a mess? Don't worry about that. Just keep writing ✍🏻 .
Unless you're going to polish your journal, it IS a rough draft. Remember this is just for you, (unless you want someone to read it).
Even if it's a mess, it still demonstrates you– and aren't there days for everyone when we're a mess? Don't worry about that. Just keep writing ✍🏻 .
Morgan U.
I make a format that I use every time like a worksheet. It keeps everything predictable and makes it faster to fill out, which keeps me motivated to write in it every day. It took me awhile to find a format that worked for me, so don't give up!
Harvey N.
Well it is important to date your page before you begin writing. I simply write my ideas and thoughts. I know people who use bullet points when they are trying to make a point or title their page. It is important to have an idea of what you're going to write before you begin and organize your self before writing and to thuroughly think through your words before putting them to paper.
Wanderleya Q.
Different. Only some words. Even one, when I have nothing in my mind. But it is for me very important. I try to stop and to think.
Angelica O.
I actually use a digital journal with daily prompts to help me keep my writing organized and purpose driven. The app I use is called Jour and it’s a wonderful alternative to a paper journal if you are inclined to journal digitally. I use it first thing in the morning to reflect on the previous day and instill purpose into the current day. I hope this helps!
Annamarie Q.
I make one page for each day and set up little sections for each thing like my to-do list, a reflection, and a mood tracker. If this isn’t up your alley try buying a planner instead!
Christine G.
Mine looks like that too, especially when I'm busy or stressed, or just thinking on the page – but all those things are what's best and most healthy about journaling! So I don't try to organize myself in the moment, except to make sure my handwriting is legible (I learned that the hard way!).
But I also wanted to be able to find thoughts quickly when I look back, so I made it a habit to write a one or two word description of my topic on the upper corner of the page, diagonally; and I draw a line under it. If I cover more than one topic, I write the second one under the line, the third under the next line, etc. So, the corners of my journal pages look like: HABITS/LIFE/THOUGHTS or even STORY NOTES/NOVEL or ART/PAINTING if I jotted down a creative idea. I get much more specific, so that when I flip back through my journal, the corners of the pages jump out at me with the bullets of my thoughts. It took me a little while to make this a habit, but it works!
But I also wanted to be able to find thoughts quickly when I look back, so I made it a habit to write a one or two word description of my topic on the upper corner of the page, diagonally; and I draw a line under it. If I cover more than one topic, I write the second one under the line, the third under the next line, etc. So, the corners of my journal pages look like: HABITS/LIFE/THOUGHTS or even STORY NOTES/NOVEL or ART/PAINTING if I jotted down a creative idea. I get much more specific, so that when I flip back through my journal, the corners of the pages jump out at me with the bullets of my thoughts. It took me a little while to make this a habit, but it works!
Mel O.
It's something very personal and you should do it in a way you feel comfortable. I try to write using the paper's flow and sometimes I use arrows as well. But really, make it yours.
Emily W.
i guess i have different notebooks for different things – i do my morning pages in a binder with loose sheets, but if i’m working on a specific goal in my writing i tend to try to contain it in a separate notebook. i label them when they’re done so i can tell from the covers what months/years/projects each one spans….
Wild U.
Invest in a good diary- find one of a size that suits you. When writing each entry, try to record events in chronological order, and don't go into too much detail; it's there to prompt memories, not to give a detailed account.
Sofi X.
I ordered a journal book with already written prompts and dates and etc. If I would just start writing I would also get all jumbled up and eventually give up.
Soham P.
All my journal entries are just stream of consciousness writing. I have one journal for the mornings and one for right before bed. I just keep track of the dates and times that I write at the top of the page and that’s all!
Natasha J.
I keep several seperate journals. One for daily writing of whatevers, one for gratitude, one for self growth activities and one for other.
Sarah Y.
I really don’t focus on the organization, because for me the objective of journaling is to control your thoughts and better your communication. It forces you to think of the truth of the world and be kind to others. If you aren’t putting nice thoughts to yourself, how can you be good to others?