Fay Z.
It gives me time to worry about myself and it makes me happy. I feel accomplished even if it is only thirty minutes a day. It is an easy way to see improvement in myself and feel stronger and more confident.
Lea F.
I love the feeling a good work out give me. No matter how I feel when I start the work out I always feel better when it’s done.
Seeing improvements and growth in my strength.
James E.
I love feeling that I accomplished something I want to do. I love feeling that I’m improving. I love feeling like I’m working towards the person I’ve wanted to be for a long time, but that I never sustain. And I love feeling good after and sleeping well at night.
H Lo Se A.
I love exercise because it makes me feel disciplined. I feel strong. Makes me feel like I’m accomplishing a healthy task. Gets me in my body.