What do you guys consider a Great breakfast?

Patsy S.
I consider a great breakfast something with protein, grains, and fruit. One of my favorite breakfast I like to make is scramble eggs, with cheese on top, a slice of toast, and some sliced fruit on my plate.
Blessing Q.
I believe having a great breakfast leads to you having a great day. Why do I say so? A great breakfast to begin with isn’t a large breakfast where you’ve got literally everything on, now that will make you feel so lazy and sleepy during the day. A great breakfast is one you enjoy and savor the moment, can be with family, your favorite meal, your loved one(partner, etc) and can even be accompanied by a great song you love so much.
The greatness here isn’t in the quantity but the quality of that moment. Remember how you start your day mostly determines how the rest of your day will go. Starting with a great breakfast ensures you have an amazing and great day as well.