In the past, and again more recently because I am trying again to establish a routine for daily meditation and hopefully twice daily meditation, I have sometimes been unsuccessful in completing a meditation session. For example, I am only able to “partially meditate” for 5 minutes, usually because I am anxious about an task or assignment that I have not completed yet. During those sessions, I have still felt some calm and strength in being able to practice good breathing technique that is helpful for meditation (as well as in other situations for example during exercise or during a stressful time of the day), but if I am not able to complete the meditation session, I do feel some “unrest” and a desire to find a time later in the day when I can get back agin to my usual meditation setting and free my mind of distractions.
But main thing is that I think after I have completed a good session of meditation in a quiet and distraction free setting, I actually feel some energy and fulfillment.
Now I have not been able to practice meditation before sleep at night, so I think I may feel different after that type of meditation session- perpahs I will feel st peace and be able to establish good sleep habits.
During meditation I generally feel relaxed, calm, lighter, reflective, and self loving.
After meditation I feel accomplished, calm, more energized, and in a better mind set to take on my day.