What do you eat mostly? Fruits or dairy products?

Grace S.
I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables in these days because I'm at home with my mother and she cooks very healthy. But when I stay in my student-flat I choose to eat food that take me less time to be cooked, so I don't eat as clean as I eat at home.
Julie N.
I eat fruits everyday. Dairy sometimes at night with a little bit of dark chocolate or some Jogurt for breakfast. But then I mix it with oats and fruits.
Lynn P.
I prefer fruit than dairy products however I eat one as much as the other because dairy is good for your bones (also calcium)and fruits are good for your body in general also has many good vitamins.
Linus T.
I primarily eat fresh produce and a little free range, grass fed meat and poultry Rey and wild caught seafood. I don’t eat any dairy, sugar, eggs, oil, nightshades, legumes, soy, etc.
Lucille Y.
I tend to usually consume dairy since there's a lot of milk and cheese in my diet but I'd honestly recommend cutting the milk (at least cow's and other animal milk) and focus more on other dairies like cheese while also adding fruits
James Y.
Love the peanut butter or 2 eggs proteins and some fruits like apples and bananas or banana with peanut butter smoothie with almonds milk (I avoid dairy products)
Emil W.
Dairy to be honest… love cheese so much and I buy it fresh on a weekly basis at the local market's farmer, but I try to take advantage of seasonal fruits as well… so at this moment, I'm into mangos, and papaya… I also drink a lot of lemon juice squezzed at the moment to start hydrated
Ewald Z.
I'm a vegan so I don't eat dairy products, however for breakfast I do eat high protein soy yogurt, then again I often have grapefruit as well. So all in all I probably eat more fruit
Ma Lia Z.
I separate my plate into sections. Half of my plate will be veggies, one third will be protein (chicken, beef, fish) and the other third would be carbs (rice, whole grain bread, beans).
Rita O.
Neither. But if I have to choose, a combination of both. I stopped drinking milk but I do eat dairy products (cheese and yogurts). A nice brekfast for me is a bit of yougurt, fruit, some nuts (whichever type you like) and spelt cereals (those with a lot of protein and no sugar)
Marius U.
A mixture of both. I try to have a balance of both most days. I dont drink milk so my dairy count is comes from cheese, good quality butter and natural yogurts. The fruit is generally darker fruits i.e berries and low sugar fruits like watermelon.