What do you do if you’re feeling tired and stressed out?

Maria T.
When I feel really stressed I usually take some time for myself. I try to relax and listen to some music or talk with good friends. Also, when stressed I often meditate to think about what stresses me and what I can do to avoid or lessen my stress. Meditating also helps to relax your body and mind, so this is a very effective method you can use. If you are in a stressful situation, try to keep calm because when you are stressed out and loose your cool, it gets harder to relax and you will have a bad day.
I hope this helped and I wish you much happiness and joy in your life.
Maria T.
I start to think and write about what really scare or cause stress for me; and try to mediation and at the end thanks to universe for this experience and trust it.
Maria T.
What I like to do is either take a nice hot shower and relax with some music on, or sit on my bed and think and after thinking I take a nice long nap.
Maria T.
I just take time for me,i go for a walk or running. Fresh air und exercice make the stress to go away. This is my best way sofar
Maria T.
I read a book. I draw. I watch docus. I sing, dance, play bass or ukulele. I write. I take a bath . I ho outside, I paimt
Maria T.
I listen to music or talk to family about how I am feeling, I sometimes for for a walk or have a nap depending on how I feel.
Maria T.
I try to find a quiet place to give myself a few minutes to reflect and pull my left together. I talk myself through it all. That this will pass and the stress is a reaction to things not going the way I thought and to let it go since it’s beyond my control.
Maria T.
At first I lay down and think about what stresses me out. Then I get up and inspire myself to be more productive and helpful for anyone and ME ofc