What do you consider a “Great Breakfast” on those days you’re running late?

Ily S Q.
I bought those nutritious instant drinks in powder form where you just stir it with water, and it turns to something like a smoothie.
Adam A.
It’s good to keep fruits and yogurt in the fridge cause it’s healthy and doesn’t require time to prepare. Peanut butter sandwiches are also a quick option. If there is a little extra time, instant oats is the way to go.
Stephanie Z.
No, I wouldn’t. If I was running late. I found some grab and go options to have on hand so I’m not starving. Having those ready helps having a decent breakfast.
Jeremiah Z.
Apple or banana (for slow carbs), handful of nuts (these with low carbs and high unsaturated fats) and icland type yoghurt (without fats, lots of proteins).
You can also replace nuts and youghurt with big spoon of peanut butter (it contains both proteins and good fats) 🙂
Hubertine J.
For me, a great breakfast when I am running late it is something that does not need so much preparing. For example, a good one for me in this area is some yogurt with oatmeal and fruits like bananas or what I have at home at that time, or cottage cheese with tomatoes and a boiled egg, or avocado on toast with tomatoes, this kind of meals are the best for me.
Isaac Z.
For me it depends on my transportation. If I take a bus or train when I'm not driving I can eat safely and not drive. If I'm driving I take something quick but with good nutrition. If you can sitdown on a train or bus or even if your parent/friend takes you to school I eat cinnamon and apple oatmeal and then add real apple slices into it with pecans or walnuts. It's the only thing that fills me up. If I am driving or need a really really quick snack I eat 2 granola bars and maybe half of a apple If u have to If not a handful of dried fruit will work!
Lawrence S.
Whenever late, a quick healthy snack on the go is what I prefer. Something like coffee and fruits or a sandwich or granola bar