What do other users do for their morning exercise?

Friedrich Wilhelm O.
Warmup with 5 mins of walking/jogging
2 mins of lat stretches and quad stretches
30 secs of cat cow (back stretches)

Main workout (do this following circuit twice):
30 jumping jacks
12 pushups
40secs of wall sits (2x)
20 vertical scissor kicks (while sitting up)
12 Bench dips
12 Bodyweight lunges

For cooldown:
Bend over, touch toes for 30 sec
30 secs of static calf stretches
30 secs of static quad stretches
1 min of arm stretches

Dorle U.
I love to wake up early and hit an hour of intense weight training in the morning. It's not an easy habit to engrain in the brain but it is one of the most momentous ways to start the day. Have your meals and clothes prepared the night before if you start work early like me!
Margie O.
Other users tend to have a routine for their morning exercise, forming a habit that will eventually be a part of their everyday mornings. It could be a workout, a long walk, etc.
Isabella X.
I use an app called Freeletics, which enables me to exercise at home without any equipment. Using an app also helps me avoid thinking too much about what to do next and instead, gives me a program i can get to it in no time.
Joan J.
Whatever sounds fun for me in the morning. I'm always playing music, so it's normally just dancing around the kitchen waiting for my eggs to cook.
Allen U.
I have a little shakra/yoga routine of five “exercises” that I do. I challenge myself to do 5,8 or 10 reps of each depending on how I feel. Today I considered starting with 5 -8 reps of each and restarting the set but decided to go with 10 each. My goal is to get to 21 reps for each…or maybe 3 sets of 10?
Anthony U.
I take my dog for a long walk, do yoga, or a bike ride. Or if my house is a mess, turn on some music and clean while dancing (highly recommended).
Kristin U.
I either take a walk outside or the treadmill…I also have the walk at home app that I use for exercise. I very it up but I don’t always get to exercise in the morning. I have such varying work hours that it is so hard for me to keep a schedule. If anyone has any advice I would appreciate it.
Matthieu E.
I struggle to exercise in the morning. So I tried dancing. It’s fun so it’s pretty easy to fi and I can even do it in my pjs.
James U.
I do sun salutations (yoga), as many as I have time for. They work the whole body and provide mobility and blood movement without requiring any sound or jumping around.
Ana W.
Classical Stretch from Miranda Esmonde-White. It is an incredible program that stretches out your muscles and helps give you more mobility.
Deodora Q.
I start my day with Sun Salutation every morning. It stretches my entire body and makes me feel good during the rest of the day.
Malthe C.
I follow workouts from an app I have that only requires the use of a mat at home. The night before, I set out the mat and my exercise clothes, then after I've had some water in the morning I work out.
Inge S.
I dance it out! I can do this so easy after I’ve had breakfast and when I’m getting ready for the day. Throwing clothes on? Doing makeup? Watching the news? Dance while ya do it! So much fun and puts ya in a great mood too
Timmothy W.
I’ve been doing couch 2 5k program and have been doing yoga as well. I have a goal to run a 5k with my boyfriend in September and I’ve been doing yoga to strengthen my core and reduce lower back issues.
Acilino Q.
I do a 30 minute walk with my dogs, and then do 20-30 minutes of strength, or HIIT or something like that, or I’ll go to a yoga class!
Jerome E.
I chose to walk to work instead of catching the bus on weekdays. It's about 20 minutes slower, but feels better and saved money.

I tried running one day but that hurt and I was super achy afterwards, so I don't think I'll try that again for a while. Maybe one day!

On weekends I did push-ups and sit-ups. I'm not very strong so could only do maybe 1-2 minutes of exercise then, but that's something!

Rita P.
I have pets so they help me move in the morning. The dogs need to go out and I go out with them. THe horses need to be looked after and Soviet do the ban cats. By the time everyone is taken care of in the morning I have done 1000 steps or more. That’s more than I used to do befor I decided to set my goals.
George L.
Anything! And mixing it up has been helpful.

So far, I have danced to the song 'December', gone for a walk to the grocery store to grab a kombucha, and done Yoga with an app for 5 mins.

Try doing whatever interests you each morning rather than trying to 'force yourself' to do a specific thing.

Frida P.
I like to do walking, even just around the rooms in my house. I also enjoy yoga and more "relaxing" type exercises such as flexibility training.
Laura Z.
Usually, I do a minute of jumping rope and some balance exercises for 5 minutes (you can search it up in Youtube). And at least 3 days in a week, I add 15 minutes to my routine to practice my punches, blocks, kicks and/or katas (a sequence of movements) in karate.
Oscar I.
Because I am recovering from multiple TBIs I break up my assigned exercises and do the one most fresh yet gentle and do-able in the mornings.

Walking for 5 minutes would also be good.

Stretching gently, like for a warm up, is helpful as well.

Ulrico P.
I like to Nordic walk to breakfast. I try to eat quality protein. I walk back home and go for a leisurely bike ride. I’m going to alternate my walk with slow jogging. All the best!
Marilete E.
I usually use the exercise bike but if I have to walk somewhere then I count that as my exercise and if I have to rush somewhere but don’t have much time to then I’ll do jumping jacks or something quick.
Nicklas W.
I personally am recovering from about 2 years of stress-related sleep issues. I will go for a morning walk and more once I'm back online.
Roberta G.
I do 10 minute stretching for splits. It makes me move and get flexible as well as in time maybe will bring me closer to another goal of mine – doing splits. It's easy and fun.
Theodore J.
I can't exactly tell you what others do for their daily morning exercise. Instead, I can share my exercise routine.
I usually jog, do a bit stretching and normal 5-7 exercises.
Loane Y.
My big plan is always ten of each of these: pull-ups, straight and bent leg crunches with yoga block, push ups, squats. The pull-ups are the only mandatory part though and right now I am trending at six pull-ups per day. It will go up as I can do more!
Mait N.
I do small weight training like arm curls, arm extensions, back extensions, front raises, lateral raises, crunches, push ups, sit ups, jump rope, jumping jacks, leg raises, lunges, mountain climbers, Pilates, planks, squats and yoga
Lasc Via Z.
I use the Fitbit Coach app to exercise. I enjoy the video workouts as they are quick to do & I don’t have to think about my workout plan.
Marcelo P.
I'm doing the seven minute workout. The is one on the Fabulous app, but there are many more versions in your app store or online.
Alison E.
I use beach body on demand. I started small and as I became more consistent I stayed buying myself equipment so that it stares me in the face every day. I now have sliders, resistance bands, dumbbells for 3lbs -20lbs a weight rack and a foam roller. Each purchase is a new reward to myself for continuing on. And the bb community has given me such a supportive community
Alberte E.
I do a cardio routine to get me energized. This sometimes includes dancing to my favorite songs or a routine off YouTube. But I also do a 10 minute stretching routine that gets me feeling g good before I workout.
Inguelore N.
I like using this app, though it is designed for women called Workout Women. It has tons of short and long exercises that are great for tons of different people. It is free and is similar to the way that this app gives exercises. They also give different difficulties depending on how advanced you are. Hope this helps!
Asta Z.
I do yoga, with a lot of apps out there you can start very small, i use down dog but of course it's not the only app, yoga will make you refreshed and feeling really good about yourself, and can help you if you have back pain or to avoid one
Sebastian E.
Usually start off with a 10 minute stretch, then a 30 minute jog, then the 10 minute workout, then some weight training, then a final stretch and then I’m done.
Nikolaj W.
Body weight exercises like push ups, squats, pull ups, crunches, etc.
Mobility exercises and stretches.
Floriano F.
I mostly just try to get up early and hit the gym, but in scenarios where that doesn't work, a 30 minute walk will suffice just to keep you active. It all really depends on what you are trying to achive.
Malthe G.
I've discovered that if I take a walk of two blocks around my house lasts the 8 minutes required for the exercise in the morning routine.
Angela F.
It depends how I'm feeling. If I'm aching all over, I'll stretch, if I want to relax, I'll do yoga. However, usually I'll just do a quick exercise video or even just a few push ups or running on the spot, if I'm in a rush. 😁
Rafael Y.
At the moment im recovering from a knee injury, so im limited in what i can do.
So i do my physio exercise first thing, otherwise I'll probably not do it.
Usually my morning exercise is to take my dog for a walk. He's the reason i get up in the morning
Sergio Y.
For morning exercise, I am dancing inside the house, with my favorite songs. If you don't want to do that, you go around your neighborhood walking for small for around 5-8 minutes.
Adriane Q.
What I do isn’t that I warm up and get my blood flowing with some jumping jacks. Then I do a variety of pushups. To end it I hang on a bar to extend my spine (because of sleep and gravity) twice for 1 minute