What commitment devices do you use to make sure you complete your exercise habit?

Clarisse O.
I have a bullet journal in which I drew several grinds for each things I want to do in a day (drawing, exercising, reading…)
If during the day I did it I color the case with a color I like and I find it so satisfying just to see the grind being filled day after day
Joy C.
mobile phone apps which track my activity, fitness journal where I log the day's activity, habit coach app for writing the activity downand giving me reminders
Lise Y.
I use the 30 days fitness app on my phone to exercise. It has two easy, medium and hard level each. I am still in the easy level because I just started exercising because of fabulous.
Hansj Rg U.
I‘m a passionate dancer. As soon as I play dope music or see other dancers perform, it‘s impossible for me to simply sit still. I guess everyone has an exercise that is to them what dance is to me, you just need to find it..
Moonlight Z.
I don't make any commitments to complete my exercise habits! I just go for it I know that I am gonna feel great after my workout and I am kinda addicted to it! It is my only addiction that I like!♥️☺️
Joan Z.
I don't know.. I have a goal and that is why I want to exercise my body, be healthier and more fit. So I don't want to skip or postpone.. It's not a struggle. You have to like what you're doing, don't force yourself.