Victor C.
Since I started this app I've been trying to do 8 minutes when I do my morning routine and about 10 minutes with a fitness game I play every few days
Rudi U.
Exercise every morning for 10 mins, walking is part of my commute, sometimes take the dog for a walk, sometimes do extra exercise on the weekend or after work.
Eldirene W.
At least a 7 minute workout in the morning. 3 times a week 45 minutes in the evening when my cognitive abilities are waning
Hector O.
I work out for around 30 minutes 6 days a week and my restday is on Saturday. I try to go running 3 times a week and do arm, belly and leg workouts on the ortherdays at home.
Karla Z.
Any amount of time when starting is better than no amount of time! It's best to go easy on yourself so that you do not wear down and quit. I will alternate between running using the C25K app, which is about 30 minutes of activity, doing bad yogi videos online which are about 20 minutes in length, and then using something like the 7-minute workout available in the fabulous app. Some days if I feel extra energetic I will do more than one of these in a day.
Lee R.
Now i spent an average of 7min. A day on exercise. But i want to include yoga in my daily life. Which will take longer. Approximate 20min. A day
Carl X.
I exercise about 4 days a week and I do it for about 45 minutes each day. I ride my stationary bike for about a half hour and do stretches. The other days of the week I spend about a half hour with my Wii games.
Alexandra S.
I am in a strength training mode, and I'm not competing now, so I aim to workout every day. I think a 5-10 min routine is great for the AM, and every other day I'm hoping to do a 30min cardio later in the day, as well. I'm finding the morning workout tough to do, so I want to keep it really short on purpose. Even a 1min plank is better than nothing! Good luck with your goals☘️
Hubertus G.
I really want to start dedicating more time to working out in my day but I usually do a 10-15 minute high intensity workout with 20-30 minutes of yoga.
Danny E.
I usually prefer to do my exercises in the afternoon or almost in the evening, due to my job and because in the morning I have a routine that boosts my mood. On average, I do exercises 3-4 times a week, for about 1,5-2 hours.
Sasha Y.
10 minutes. I want to say daily but I am just restarting so today is my first day. I was managing an hour, four times a week and I would like to get back to this.
Salvatore T.
It should vary based on how you’re feeling and how experienced you are. So let’s say you’re just starting out, you can begin with 30 min, if you’re tired (25min) if you’re energized (35min) etc.
Mathias U.
Not as much as I use to and I hope to progress a lot more but right now just a 20 minute walk with my dog and headphones.
Tobias C.
I dont exercise too much, not at all to say the truth. And then I am sad that I feel fat. Its ridiculus. I nees to start doing something, not just stretching
Dulc Nio Z.
For now I am just going for a longer walks. I have an smart band which tracks my steps. I aim for 10k steps daily. I need to build my stamina slowly as when I tried to exercise with my weight (131 kg) it's way to hard for me.
Erdogan U.
About 40 minutes a day. 10 minutes in the morning, 20 minutes afternoon yoga and 10 minutes restorative yoga and stretching before bed.
Teresa P.
I meditate for 15 minutes and after meditating I do between 20 – 30 minutes of simple exercises and yoga. I do this every morning.
Marit U.
In the morning on my way to work I see it as a workout 😍 But on the weekend i give myself some yoga or more dancing around 🥰
So one time a day 💃🏽
Kurt E.
Usually just 10-15 mins in the morning. And unfortunately not even every day. On weekends longer, like 30-40 mins. Plus daily short or longer walks.
Rosemerie Y.
I usually spend between 20 minutes to a full hour working out
Mixture of light cardio and strength training while listening to music or audiobooks.
Try to do at least once a day.
Mixture of light cardio and strength training while listening to music or audiobooks.
Try to do at least once a day.
Elmer P.
I am just starting to incorporate exercise into my day after recovering from an overuse injury. So now I try to spend five minutes In the morning – and sometimes 15 or twenty. And then I do 10 minutes of physical therapy exercises before bed.
Axelle Q.
2 minutes to 2 hours. Depending on how my day looks and how I'm feeling. If i have time and energy to go to a gym I do that, sometimes i do 30 min yoga at home, or 7-10 min HIT training, and if I feel a bit under the weather I dance and strech for 2+ minutes. Just doing something makes me want to do more!
Marc H.
When I am in a good mental state I can exercise abiut 5 times a week usually for about a. Hour. So I don't get bored I will change it up some days cardio, weights, circuits and some upper and lower body work xx
Joel Y.
It depends on what I’m doing that day and what exercise I’m doing. Anything from 10 minutes on yoga or Pilates to an hour plus on a walk outside. I’m trying to make sure I do something every day, even if it’s just a 10 minute session – any movement is better than nothing!