Keeping a good sleeping schedule really helps with this as well. If you go to bed around the same time every evening, and get your 7-8hr sleep, most likely you will start waking up naturally in good time. And feeling energised. Remember that sleeping too much might cause you to feel more tired during the day.
Also keep your alarm at a distance from your bed which will force you to get up and turn it off, run and wash your face with cold water and this will start getting you more in the mood to actually wake up.
I'm a food person, so I motivate myself to do my exercises because Ithen i can prepare an awesome breakfast as a reward. Find this "reward" for you as well, something that you get excited for.
And remember it is okay to do a bit less, or skip a day if you had a long week, the important thing is not to give up all together and try to keep it going. If you're not as motivated that day, maybe instead of 5K, do 3K, at least you went and you did it ! That's what matters <3