Brittany W.
Secondo me è importante essere costanti ma allo stesso tempo non bisogna diventare ossessionati, bisogna essere indulgenti verso se stessi al fine di non creare troppa ansia. L'obbiettivo finale è essere soddisfatti della giornata.
William P.
My go to breakfast is chocos and milk on alternate days and the other days I prefer to eat scrambled egges of 3-4 eggs with some cheese or maybe 2-3 eggs but with sausages.
Adele C.
Starting the morning well every day sets you up to have a good day – yes days off are important you can have lie ins or chilled out mornings taking things slow but the basics should still always happen .
Johanne C.
Do it each day then you can take rest in between your chores but never compromise them forma day.It will make you feel lazy. If there is some svere reason then you can make adjustments but never compromise.
Adam B.
i think there is a break between activities to contemplate and observe the changes. Though, i don't know How long should it be.
Adam B.
Yes it is necessary to do it everyday so you can get into a habit but if you are exercising then you need a rest day. Don't do anything that day just rest, and go to your job or school. The rest day makes sure you aren't over exercising and you don't pull anything.
Adam B.
There should definitely be a rest day , for example I have exercise but I cant do them on my period so my streak goes away
Emilie N.
hmm i feel you should exercise in any way even stretching counts if you feel like you need a rest maybe do some light exercise like strolling at the park etc.
Misa A.
In regards to exercise, listen to your body, just take it easy and don't push too hard, take some days to rest your body. For vitamins, yoga, etc. then yes do it everyday.