success in the 1st day,,but not going well in 2nd and 3rd day..
so i came late to the office 2 days in a row..
I want to start exercising so I’m thinking that I’ll leave the stuff ready the night before and start slow with mild exercise
Also, wake up earlier.
Like, when I prepare my clothes I just make some exercise movement
Remember, things like exercise and sleep and meditation make you more efficient and increase your capacity to do your things. So all of these self care things are effectively time that you spend to gain yourself more time. If there's a lot dependening on you and your performance, remember this: in any system if the maintenance equipment is not well maintained, eventually the entire system will fail irrecoverably because nothing can be repaired of the repair infrastructure is broken. So if, in the system of your life you are the maintenance equipment, your well-being is critical to everybody else getting what they need.
On the flip side, if you absolutely have to. Start with whatever is best for you. If you can only do a brief run, a brief workout, or even just a quick YouTube workout at home… just do that.
The trick to keeping a workout going is to make it small, easily accomplished, and reduce your obstacles to doing it. It seems counterintuitive but if your just trying to make sure you workout, start by working out 5 minutes a day or two minutes. Once you hit the 5 or 2 minute mark stop immediately. Your really just trying to do it regularly and at that point you just need reps consistently.
The other piece is if you hate running or don’t like getting up early… don’t do it. Do something else that works for you. As for obstacles, if it’s early and your house is cold and your workout stuff is in a far closer… put your clothes, shoes, hats, and everything else beside your bed the night before. So when you wake up, you’re just ready to go. If you have kids or a family… again, make sure you do what you can do reduce your obstacles that would normally stop you. You can’t minimize everything but definitely minimize everything you can.
The funny thing is that if you do something for 2 minutes everyday or every other day or just regularly eventually there’s a point where you cross over and the habit becomes an itch that tugs at you. At that point you’ll say to yourself… well, this is so easy now I’ll just keep going.
At that moment that’s how you know the habit is cemented. So… the trick to working out early or fitting something