I’m usually good with getting into habits, but stretching is just hard for me to get into. Do you have any simple stretches you could suggest that don’t need a whole lot of room or time?

Emily E.
The 60-sec investment.

*hip pivot*
5 reps

*semi squat*
5 reps

*move squat*
1 rep

*star gaze + cat arch*
1 rep

*move squat*
1 rep

*pivot + twist*
5 reps

Anna Z.
You can perform multiple stretches on the couch or on your bed. For example your neck. First warm up by moveing your head from side to side (looking forward, ear leaning towards your shoulder), look over each shoulder (looking to the left and right), leaning your head forward (chin touches your chest) and leaning your head backwards (looking up). Don't hold each position when your doing warm up. 1-2 seconds each pose, switching positions quickly. These are 3 movements: 1. head leaning side to side, 2. Head looking side to side 3. Head looking up and down. I recommend doing each movement for 20 seconds before stretching.
Now you can stretch your neck! Leaning your head to the RIGHT side ( ear towards the shoulder) whilst keeping your LEFT hand straight down. Hold for 20 seconds. Same for your LEFT side with your RIGHT hand straight down. Lean your head forward and hold for 20 seconds. (Move your head just a tiny bit from side to side whilst keeping it down towards your chest to feel the stretch change a bit). Look up, keeping your mouth and teeth closed to feel a stretch in front of your neck or just under your chin. Hold for 20 seconds. Look over your right shoulder whilst keeping your left hand straight down. Hold for 20 seconds and do the same for your left side.
Now you have stretched your neck. 😊 I also recommend YouTube and search for "couch or bed streches"
You can do this, just find what works for you ❤