Do you have a good stretch for a stiff neck?

Scott E.
I don’t but now that you’ve mentioned it, I think it’s something I should do. Stretching always make me feel refreshed and slightly awake. I should stretch out my neck more too.
Tracy J.
I don’t but now that you’ve mentioned it, I think it’s something I should do. Stretching always make me feel refreshed and slightly awake. I should stretch out my neck more too.
Judith Z.
I don’t but now that you’ve mentioned it, I think it’s something I should do. Stretching always make me feel refreshed and slightly awake. I should stretch out my neck more too.
Lison N.
I don’t but now that you’ve mentioned it, I think it’s something I should do. Stretching always make me feel refreshed and slightly awake. I should stretch out my neck more too.
Connor O.
Most of my neck problems are from stiff shoulders. So I take a medicine ball and lay flat on my back and move the ball in a clock form around my body, passing the ball off from hand to hand as I go