If yoga is hurting me instead or relaxing, what should i change?

Mark U.
First make sure you are doing beginner classes, that way the focus is on simpler poses that are less likely to cause damage. Second, for any poses you are struggling with, look up how to do them correctly and any modifications that can be made for people who are not yet at that skill level. Lastly, listen to your body. Anytime you are leaning into a position and you feel pain that goes beyond healthy muscle pain, ease up on yourself. It's fun to push your limits, put if you are pushing so hard that you are hurting yourself you're not recieving any of the benefits of the practice. The nice thing about yoga is it's not a race, there is no goal point, no finish line or competition. It's all about learning to work with and appreciate your body for where it is right now, and enjoy the journey.
Charlie A.
Start with something very simple, like instead of yoga do a little stretching for two days than get back on simple yoga moves for two days, there after keep on increasing in intervals of two days