Crystal T.
Not at all earlier, because we always have easy and healthy food at home. I also often prepare my breakfast the night before, so I don't have to wake up earlier. One of my favorites is Chia pudding!
Frida C.
I would have to get up earlier bto prepare cook and clean ..that's generally an hour and a half times to get through so I would say around 7 am I normally get up at 9
Marilyn P.
Currently i wake up at 8 which i approximate to be an hour earlier than id usually wake up whilst working from home. I still struggle to get up in the morning and want to push my routine back so when lockdown is over and i MUST leave at 7am to get to work on time; i can still complete my habit of earing breakfast
Frieda T.
I cook myself some oatmeal in the morning. It takes about ten minutes tops to make, that includes making coffee and cutting fresh fruits
Liva F.
I prepare my meal for the morning the night before, which means I don't have to get up earlier for breakfast. It's packed and ready and waiting for me to go in the morning
Florent O.
I didn't need to wake up earlier. I just needed to allocate my time to the important things. Instead of scrolling thru social media on my phone as soon as I wake up (which was an immediate reaction as soon as I woke up), I drink a bit of water. Then I make a decision weither or not to sleep in/ look through social media/ make a cup of coffee & breakfast.
Kerry N.
I would wake up an the same time and prepare my breakfast option in advance. Collect eggs and nuts and seasonal fruits. Or use my protein shakes on days I’m in a rush.
Ceyda P.
I woke up 20 minutes earlier than usual for a small breakfast. Banana, a drink, and a changing food. One day it might be scrambled eggs, sausage the next.
Daniel G.
I started getting up an hour early to give my body and mind time to wake up and be ready to ENJOY eating. I don't wake up hungry. I need to be active and move around some before I can think about eating. Once I do, I'm set with an appetite (literally and figuratively) for the day.
Sandra Q.
My body has always craved for breakfast. I can’t function without it. So yea, breakfast has always been there, but I tend to eat it while I put make up. So I often don’t have time to sit and enjoy it properly.. thats what I’m trying to so now. So I give myself at least 20 minutes to eat my breakfast:)
Sophia F.
Breakfast as already a part of my routine. However, based on previous experiences when my work started earlier and I skipped breakfast, I needed about 30 minutes extra for breakfast. This way, I had time to prepare and enjoy my food, and deal with the dishes when it was all finished.
Lilou Y.
I wake up early everyday to make me a good breakfast! It's the best way to have a good start in the day and to be refresh and motivated! My morning routine is simple, but one of the first thing I do is to eat a breakfast and then my day can start!
Kylie Z.
I am not sure i understand the question, but i always take about an hour to make and eat breakfast. I definitely wake up earlier to have the time to do this. I do shop to get the ingredients.
Jeppe F.
I would say I have to wake up 30 minutes earlier to enjoy some eggs and beautiful tahini and stuff, however I think that I would want to wake up 1 hour earlier before work, or even more so I can meditate and then workout a bit and then eat the great breakfast.
Russell P.
I would wake up an hour earlier, to make sure I definitely would have an adequate amount of time to make the breakfast and eat it without being rushed
Rh P.
It takes about 30 minutes.
Most part of my breakfast is done in before hand. Only the vegetable is made in the morning.
30min includes heating up the prepared breakfast, wash the vegetable and stir fry it, and also the cleanup afterwords.
Mads E.
Not much earlier as I've never been hungry in the mornings so I decided to get small protein bars for my breakfast routine instead of a full meal. It's still a struggle to eat in the morning.
Kristin B.
I didn’t wake up any earlier i already have to wake up early to begin with. So i just added breakfast into the mix of things