If you can't trust your half-asleep self to wake up early, fully awake/bedtime you has some work to do.
Prepare the night before:
If you're able to, try leaving the window blinds slightly open to allow the morning sun to enter your bedroom. Try not using screens an hour before bed and instead do some calming activities like reading, writing, light bedtime yoga, or meditation. Place your alarm and/or phone far away from your bed to prevent your half-asleep self from hitting the snooze button. I sometimes got up from bed, dragged myself across the room, turned off the alarm, and dragged myself back to bed. If you're also prone to this try drinking water as soon as you wake up and face the sunlight as you slowly open your eyes. The first few nights might be difficult, but once your body gets used to it, you'll be waking up early with ease. You can do it!
Do this habit everyday and you will see the different it makes to your body and mood.
This is when your body heals. This is when your brain calms. Don't skimp. Don't shortchange yourself. You're having a hard time getting up because your body is trying to get what you need more of, for you.
I don't say this because I'm so smart, I say this because I'm experienced. I didn't a couple of years ago and had a health decline and fog brain, being up too late reading articles & Social media.
When I prioritized bed routine and 8 hours sleep, it really helped that AM drag body from bed feeling. I also lost 20 lbs effortlessly. Health indicators like BP & LDL/HDL improved. T r y it. You'll like it.
Where I first wanted to wake up early I used "sleep for android" app to help me wake up refreshed right after R.E.M sleep cycle and later I switched to a sunrise desk clock.
Today I wake up around 5:30 am without even an alarm 🙂
Other than that, here's some tips that have helped me: take a drink of water as soon as you wake up, keep a water bottle or a glass near your bed. If nothing else, going to the bathroom will get you up! Also when you first get up, do a quick stretch. I recommend the Shine app's Morning Stretch track for getting you moving gently.
Minimum one hour before you leave for work.
Make yourself a priority. You are important. Your nutritional needs are important.
You must believe this and make it happen.
Try prepping in the evening.
If you'll have oatmeal, set the package with the pot together on the counter. Put the fruit and sausage in the front- middle of the fridge.
You are important. Take care of your personal needs.
Get up!
10min earlier instead of 30-45min earlier.
Step by step you can wake up earlier than your time
Which brings me to 2. I put my phone/alarm somewhere I have to physically get out of bed to snooze it (I’m a real killer for snoozing…. can do it for hours). I also have a calm, unobtrusive alarm that doesn’t make me feel stressed. I set it early enough for three snoozes – that means I have to get out of bed twice (and I get to go back to bed twice!) before I actually have to be awake and alert. It really helps me actually wake up, rather than just semi-consciously hit the snooze button forever.
When I do both of the above, it’s WAYYY easier to get out of bed on time. When I don’t, morning exercise just doesn’t happen.
Hope that helps, or gives you some ideas about what might work for you!
First you have to work out how much sleep you need to feel relatively functional
Then work out how much time you need in the morning to get ready AND eat
To persuade myself to go to bed earlier which included the mental process of sleep preparation and allure of waking up early and feeling refreshed I would focus on the delicious meal waiting for me.
To do this, in the beginning I would focus on a meal that was relatively healthy but more importantly fulfilling. To give myself more motivation in the morning I started to stack the fulfilling factor of this meal more than my other meals. So that my reward meal came in the morning than at dinner at the end of the day.
My biggest challenge was that I love a good hearty cooked breakfast. Which was not feasible with time constraints in the morning. So I started having last night's leftovers that I could just zap in the microwave. Over time I tweaked these leftovers to healthy proportions, they were not processed, I stopped having seconds at dinner which helped stop that dopey feeling in the morning. I was motivated to get out of bed because I was hungry for a good meal.
Hope this is not too long winded and helps
I learned this for myself from Tim Ferriss' 4-hour Body. He recommended eating 30g of protein within 30 minutes of waking. It was hard at first, but within a week, I found that I was not only waking up earlier, but waking up more easily.
If you're already running behind in the morning, the last thing you need is to find the time to cook, so maybe you can purchase some pre-made breakfast options. A protein bar that you can grab and eat quickly will do the job. Later, when you're finding your morning routine easier you may find you have time for fresh food, but for now, make it easy on yourself!
The second thing is to stay motivated and inspired. I feel inspired by keeping in mind the morning routines of successful people that I admire. It's important too to create your own morning routine, that best suits your goals and gives your energy. I feel it's incredibly harder to get out of bed early when I don't have a plan or a to to list.
On days where I've fallen off my schedule, it can be hard to adjust at first. That's why I start off every morning with a small stretch and workout routine. Again, no beating myself up for missed days, just doing what I can when I have time. On the days I dont have time to stretch and workout in the a.m., I get in a small 10 minute bath or a short rinse in the shower. Hot water! The steam helps bring life into your senses, and the blast of cold getting out will always wake me up. Good luck!
All the great people always have a constant daily routine, they wake up in the morning eat breakfast and start their work.
– Go to bed on time, I used to go to bed late and found out that the time I spent in the evening was not very useful anyway.
– Go directly out of bed after your alarm goes.
– If you’re always running late, make your breakfast the day before and take it with you.
Good luck!
The higher you connect with your habit reward; the more inclined you are to repeat and stick to it.
Start working later in the day so you can get enough sleep.
The other thing that helps me sit and eat my breakfast is lighting a candle and is quietly reading my devotional book.
Also, a timed coffee pot is acts wonderfully as a second alarm if you need some extra motivation. Set it to brew five minutes before your alarm goes off.
Being able to get up and socialize with them, while eating a healthy breakfast is the best part of my day.
I would 100% recommend finding a buddy to eat breakfast with everyday. If you can’t, maybe start setting your alarm clock either earlier or putting your alarm across from you so you actually get up.
(Oh! Obviously it would be also a good thing if you would go bed earlier)