How has practicing the Gratitide habit changed your life so far?

Emily C.
It has grounded me as a person & and made me appreciate what I have in my life. My family, my health and my opportunities. It has made me focus on the present and focus on what I want in my future.
Rebecca P.
I have always been a very grateful person. So this is second nature to me. I can tell you that from a lifetime of being grateful for even the smallest of things, I am infinitely happier than many other people I meet.
Ru G.
Taking time to show my appreciation for what I do have in my life, serves as a real time reminder for me to just be present with where I am. I tend to overthink each and every situation that occurs in my life instead of sometimes just going with the flow. I definitely feel that you need to critically think before making a decision but that's just it! Make one decision at a time, trying to over correct is just going to make you feel overwhelmed and negative. Taking time for gratitude allows you to clearly think about what's ahead.