Write 3 important tasks to complete today.
Write 3 things that went well today.
Write 3 things to improve.
When I had build the habit I started to write more than five sentences, five sentences where to less for me sometimes, but I still wrote at least one sentence per evening.
I write before I go to bed.
– What happened today? (Daily journal)
– What am I grateful for today? (Gratitude journal)
– What is my most important task today? (Productivity journal)
– How did I sleep last night? (Sleep journal)
– How do I feel today? (Mood journal)
This technique is called “One-Line Journal”. Google it up! You might like it 🙂
1. What I’m excited for
2. Whats my focus for today
3. Workout for the day
4. Three priorities for today
5. Other tasks
6. Quick schedule for today.
And write todo
And then write the journal
First time I felt it’s not easy but day by day
It guides my day life
Fabulous group
Combined with meditation, all three give me insight and inspiration.
1. Write the date on top or between the margins.
2. Some people do this (write whatever comes to mind or brainstorm your thoughts in a mind map.) I personally, started out with long entries but now I add lists, diagrams, write songs, etc…
Make this your journal. You can do whatever you want with it.
3. Make sure you set aside time for journaling. I find this really helpful for me since I have a busy schedule. I usually write for 30 min. 10-15 min actually can help you get started. Later on add onto the timeframe. You might want to write for 25 minutes if you want accurate results.
I can talk about this all day. For now these are my three tips
Next day, I start my morning with drinking hot water and going through today’s plan.
I write it as a letter to myself, and when I fail to commit to a promise to myself this is the place where I don’t make an excuse. I always say that I’ll do better and I try to keep this way.
Problems, come up with solutions. You can write about anything that comes to your mind. Problem solving with future solutions. Weigh out your options etc. Safena/star
I personally write about things that happened each day that were either important, significant or simply positive. Things I'd like to remember.
The exercise of writing is sometimes simply more important or helpful than what you do actually write about.
I’ve started writing at the kitchen table with some music in the background and a book so I can take time and read, mull some thoughts out before I write them. It’s like wanting to put the proper energy out there, even in my writing.
Just being more mindful.
Bit by bit i started to write everything down. As if i have a friend that i talk to daily. It is really helping me to process life and answer my own inner questions. You should try it 🙂
Good news: It's working for me!
Maybe it's a thought that has never occurred to me, an insight about my character, or just something that humored me.
I typically will make a note of it, whether mental or physically on my small notebook I keep in my back pocket, then in the evening I’ll revisit that moment.
I then just start by writing that moment down. What follows is usually a spiraling mind-web of associated feelings and reactions to my newly discovered perceptions. I appreciate writing about moments from my day in this fashion because it typically allows me to turn my initial emotional responses into self-awareness exercises.
Also, if I have not had a notated moment, I’ve found that beginning my journaling with that acknowledgement often leads into its own journey of self-discovering.
Main take away, just literally start writing and allow your stream of consciousness to do the work. 😊
Because I’m now used to a few basic concepts of journaling over the last few weeks. I’ve started to open journo and start journaling whenever I experience a tough day or moment.
My next task is to start journaling when I have a good day or moment too.
Dreams (where I write down last night’s dreams), daily affirmation, some space for reflections or thoughts throughout the day, and then a gratitude section which I fill in before bed. 🙂