How do you overcome screen addiction?

Debra Z.
Turn off alerts and notifications. The less you get notifications the easier it is to not pick up the phone. Schedule checking emails for once or twice per day.
Davina N.
Not sure if it’s something I’ll ever ‘overcome’ per say. It’s just something you have to constantly be aware of and know how to manage. There will be some days where you have nothing to do, with nothing else inspiring you, so all you do is sit on your phone. And there will be some days where you will be inspired and won’t feel the need to stare at your screen. Strive to be the person who is inspired by greater things in your life. You’ll cut down screen time without realising it. But, it’s okay to have un-inspiring days too. Just know how to manage it.
Henryk R.
I try to busy myself with completing my bucket list, which includes designing a character, drawing, and writing! Although I still miss my phone a lot, I try to use it less so I prevent screen addiction.
Alma E.
I turned of all of the notifications on my apps. This way I don’t have a constant need for checking my phone; there’s nothing there. In the beginning i was checking the apps all the time to see if there was anything interesting, but I don’t do that as often anymore. You just have to tell yourself that you are NOT missing out on anything. I also told my friends and family to text or call med instead of sending snaps or facebookmessages, so now I only get the important messages 😊 good luck!
Tracey F.
I typically try to make it a habit to leave my phone upstairs first thing in the morning. That way I start my morning off screen free and start through my day and a more present way
Naja A.
I put my phone, iPad and computer in the same spot to charge. I use an alarm clock to wake me up so that my devices stay on a separate floor. I am careful to give myself an allotted time to be surfing the net.
Paige P.
Find things that interest you in the real world. Sometimes, when I find myself scrolling day after day, I force myself to set my phone in another room, grab a book, and not check my phone for at least an hour. By the time the hour is up, I find I usually want to keep reading rather than run into the other room to receive my phone. The same thing can be said when I am with my friends or family or hiking. After you get this taste of the real world, it can become just as addictive as your screens and help break the chain of just wasting your life away looking at a phone.
Julian P.
Set screen time restraints for yourself and give yourself something else to do instead of getting on your phone. Identify why you get on your phone so much.
Filipo Z.
Turn of my phone and put it in the same kitchen every night no matter what at 10pm. Anything else I need or want to do or record or Google is written down on a piece of paper for me to pick up where I left off in the morning.
Hermenegildo F.
Hmm. I wish I knew! Seriously, as with binge eating, a start would be understanding and noticing the impulse to stay glued to the screen, beginning to see what that’s about. I think a change for the better is more likely to work if one has some idea of something better, and works towards that with an attitude of respect and kindness towards oneself.
Elya Z.
Personally, to overcome overuse of electronics I would set mini goals for yourself. Such as saying “ today I’m only going to go on my favorite app for two hours”. Then slowly reduce times on other apps and just your time on your phone or other device all together. A helpful tip is to make electronics less accessible to you. When you can’t see them, you can’t do them! Instead of having your phone next to your bed, have a book! So when your bored, instead of reaching for your phone, you reach for a book! Also set up times when you can do your phone, and times you can’t. Such as saying “I will not touch my phone when I wake up, and wait until 2 hours have passed before I touch it.” Just keep on developing those heathly habits and in time you should see results. Don’t give up right away tho, stick to your end goal! Hope this helps you, it sure helped me!
Czeslaw Y.
This is tough. I can’t say I’ve done this yet, but I think it’s probably all about being more aware and present when you are using screens. Asking yourself: do I need to be doing this right now? Is there something better I can be doing with my time? Can I put a limit on how long I let myself look at this screen? Another idea is to disconnect at a certain time each night, forcing yourself to have some quality no-screen time before bed. It’s a real thing, screen addiction, but I suppose with awareness and commitment it’s something that can be overcome!
Alma C.
I use an app that is flora and I absolutely love it it gets me away from my phone to do not important things in the day and it makes it so much easier to get stuff done.
Zilda P.
I haven’t yet. What I am trying right now is putting my laptop in my study instead of my room when I get back from work. At least then I don’t watch anything in the morning and am forced into my study early morning to write. I’ll keep you updated on how that’s going
Alicia Y.
I focus on other healthy habits like reading, listen music or exercise. I also give myself a timeout of social media for a few hours and if necessary days to break the addiction. Give yourself a reward every time you choose a healthy habit.
Pauline P.
Essentially when you want to stop something, you remove it from your immediate environment. Phones and tablets are everywhere and are a constant source of entertainment, knowledge and distraction. Which makes eliminating them difficult, perseverance is key here and keeping yourself away from devices is imperative to you succeeding. Remove them before bed so you don’t wake up right next to them, download apps that monitor your time or stop you from switching apps. Take it slowly and replace apps with books or even alternative hobbies or activities. Don’t walk and screen watch and don’t let technology control you, there is a fine line that many are oblivious to.
Nelson U.
I haven’t overcome it yet. I’m trying to , by putting my alarm every time I use any screen ( iPad, iPhone etc) when 25 minutes sounds off I turned it off. For short checks with my email, I watch the time. If I use two or more minutes, I deduct it from my 25 minutes I allotted myself everyday and start my alarm from what’s left
Zoey P.
First things first make a goal to not wake up and immediately look at my phone for an hr or so in bed.
Then I consistently throughout the day have to be mindful about it. It helps to leave it on the charger in another room or something. Also when posting to my food account I have to be mindful to not start scrolling.
Evan O.
Delete time wasting apps. If you spend too much time on Instagram, post that you are going to take a break and sign out.
Wolfhard U.
Occupy myself with a different hobby, interest and I often journal which gives me ample time for reflection. And with reflection, I often pair it with meditation and it gets me a little addicted to continue journaling because I get certain revelation. And meditation sometimes isn’t what the “commercial” meditation looks like but a scriptural meditation on the Bible
Jeanette B.
You just have to commit and try it out for a few days. Don’t try and make huge changes all at once. Try putting your phone away for just 30 minutes a day at first. It may be hard and boring but you’ll figure out productive things to do without your phone.
Katrine C.
That is my question! I asked my husband to set a passoword on my phone screen time. I have iphone, and I set limits on the apps I spend too much time on, and then locked it with passcode by my husband’s generated password. So at least I use to my set limit!
Firmina Q.
Well I’m beginning by observing my use as suggested by Fabulous. I also moved apps and turned off some notifications. My biggest hurdle is that I manage multiple social media accounts for work and volunteers who often text or call after hours. I’m mostly required to be available.
Matias F.
This app helps me be more mindful. Which of course starts with observing. i find it helpful to try or "challenge" myself to something for a period of time that seems reasonable to MY instincts. Keep restarting without self-criticizing, Or falling forward as I tell myself. If I "restart" enough times, lol, There's often enough consistency to actually start noticing benefits, so it gives it more "tack" motivationally speaking, And intuitively, as to whether it's worth continuing to keep at it until it – sticks like glue (habit, routine, thought pattern, etc)
Clarence P.
I use the screen time feature on my iPhone. I also have rescue time installed. I’ve been trying to implement weekly evaluation of my time as well.
Deborah Y.
Busykan diri. Jangan fikir langsung pasal phone. Letak kat night mode. Buat semua kerja tertunggak dulu. ANYTHING. Kalau ada masa free, workout atau gi bilik kawan
Ma Lia T.
Awareness of my blind scrolling. Put my phone in another area away from what I am doing.
Ask myself how important is browsing through other people’s daily activities is to me.
Before I go on to Facebook.. have a reason for doing so.
Lias Q.
Since my phone is the main screen device I use, I try to take apps that distract me easliy. I begin by taking all my social media from my phone and just have it on my iPad that way I don’t use so often. I’m now beginning to have a reminder on my fabulous app to let me know when to unplug from screens! I also try to do other things I love like drawing, journaling, handwriting, or taking a walk.
Gernot X.
I keep the phone on the other side of the bed which makes it difficult for me to reach out when I get the impulse to go through it.
Andrea Y.
I filtered my blue light. Then I switched to grey scale. On my front page I only have apps I need. Fortunately I never got into games so I don’t have to get rid of them. I got rid of cable. Only have wy fi and Netflix. And most importantly I plug my phone in on the far side of the room every night. Can not reach it from the bed.
Birgitt Y.
Remove all unnecessary notifications (only allow messages/phone calls/reminders), use the grayscale display feature found in general-accessibility -display accommodations-color filters, set up “screen time” in settings with limits or some other screentime tracker, and batch your social media usage to small segments once a day.
Ralph C.
Every time I want to open the lock of phone screen, I always said to myself.
1. Is it worthy enough to take me from my beautiful surroundings now?
2. Is it going to take my time long enough, to not feel the presents of the cute waiter that actually trying do her best, because today is maybe her first day?
Jade Y.
To help myself stay away from my phone, I leave the house and get outside because once I am outside I am less likely to use it or set aside some designated phone time instead of endless hours not recorded on your phone.
Maria A.
I’ve tried many different ways to overcome screen addiction, all of which have worked somewhat (I’ll talk about that more later though).
One method I used was completely switching off my phone. On an IOS device this would be done by holding the on/off button and sliding the ‘power off’ button. It worked so well for me because it took a while for the screen to load again so I wouldn’t go to my phone for small things that would lead me to distracting tumblr posts and so on.

Another method I used was the app ‘Flora’, which is the free version of the app ‘Forest’. This uses the pomodoro method of working; working for 25-30 minutes and then taking a 5 minute break and repeat. This is different to other apps, however, as it blocks you from leaving the app or else you will kill the tree you’re growing while working. In ‘Forest’, you can gain coins depending on how long you work for and if you gain enough coins, you can lay for a real life tree to be planted!

Even with these methods that have significantly reduced my screen time and screen addiction, my personal problem is maintaining this. While when I used the ‘switching off’ method, my screen time was down to about 1.5 hours on my phone on average over a week, my screen average this week was 5 hours! I recommend that you set yourself a goal with a friend, or an app like Fabulous, who will keep you accountable of your screen time and will slowly get rid of your screen addiction!

Amber J.
One thing you can think about when you are itching to check your phone or pad is, “What am I really looking for?” Usually, we may be bored, lonely or frustrated and – welcome to the 21st Century right? Internet, TV, Netflix, microwaves, computers… we want total, instant gratification and it becomes a habit! There is more we can with our brains, though, that can still happen on our screens. Wait, what? Well, I’m writing this to you -and hopefully, it can help. So, instead of chat, Instagram, Facebook or Twitter we can write books, do research, listen to music, study, learn things we’ve always wanted to know (besides who died on GoT😁) and the like. Start a business, invest, donate to a charity, create a diary of recovery, find a cure, earn a degree. You get the idea! Use it as a tool instead of a fix.
Hannes U.
Screen addiction is hard! I set a timer so that I can keep track. I also periodically turn off social media. I also make sure to have plenty
Books around,
R Mi O.
Difficult to resist and stop watching things but important to persevere and have the decision to stop following a healthy routine
Solano F.
The only thing that seems to work for me is meditation. With everything else Ive tried I end up going right back to the screen after a few days.
Rolando Q.
I try to always do something different every single day. Like read a book, draw something, journaling, etc. Turn off my phone also helps a lot, ‘cause I would not be able to see notifications anda stuff, so I would not be tentative to watch the screen 🙂
Isabel F.
Put your phone into a different room in the house if it’s charging in your bedroom then put it in the hallway or kitchen
Hugo S.
Delete habit apps like FB and Insta from your phone. Observe when and why you go to those sites. Often its just boredom or the need to feel like you need to fill a spare minute or ten! Carry a book and read instead or observe the world around you. Or just breathe. Check in on social once a week and make it a treat or reward for not using it during the week.
Roberto E.
Good morning!
That’s a tough one.
I might not have the right answer for you but the following has worked for me: I have agreed with my husband that every Friday when we come home from work, we turn off our cellphones and use no technology throughout Saturday all the way to Sunday morning. That is no phone, no tv, no tablets, etc. We use this time to stroll outside, take care of household shores and read.
If you try it once you’ll see it will feel like your day is longer than all of the others. It’s quite addictive itself 🙂
I hope this advice helped in some way. But do look for more professional advice if you are struggling to unplug. You can just investigate a little bit online and find other methods to try out as well.
Have a lovely day!
David O.
I think every addiction requires a want to stop. If you don’t want to stop, then you have to want to want to stop.
This seems simple but it is profound and required.
Next you need to fill the time previously consumed by the addiction with something else. Ideally it would be something you are proud you did when done. This is in contradistinction from the guilt experienced after persisting in the addicted behavior.
Put perhaps more simply, it is not enough to not look at a screen, instead you must do something else, like sleep, meditate, pray, read a book, exercise etc.
I have heard some argue there is no difference between surfy the web on your phone and reading a news paper
But most people surf the web like I read people magazine. It takes time but I don’t get much out of it really. A book or even the New York Times call us to focus or grow.
Adrien A.
Start small by making 30 minutes a day a screen free zone. Listen to some music, read a book, or find an activity you enjoy that doesn’t involve screens. It’s best to do this before bed and make it part of your bedtime routine. Once you’ve mastered that try extending the time or having different points in the day where you declare screen free time.
Mathias X.
I make myself engage in art or reading after a certain time of day. I also plan out how many episodes of something i can watch or how much time I spend on social media (with a buffer obviously – most days I ll watch one more than I intend too or scroll further down my insta feed – but I don’t start regretting or hating myself for my mistakes – it s like pressing snooze once more than u planned on – it’s forgivable). If you have tips – please share yours with me as well 🙂
Ronnie T.
I really just you know give my devices to a family member and meditate and journal and eventually I started to like doing those things so I broke my addiction
Chantal E.
I think it has something to do with addressing the underlying emotional frustrations that you are numbing out by using the screen.
Alfred C.
I am not addicted to screens. However, my approach to addiction is to go cold turkey unless health risks prevent this – which doesn’t seem to be the case here. Good luck on your journey!
Malou Z.
I haven’t! It’s really hard for me too but I am trying to pay attention to my habits and the results. Ex. Sometimes I notice when I refresh my email too much I get anxious or sometimes if I check Instagram a bunch I feel sad. It helps me stay away.
Crispim E.
Set time limits and stick to them. Or schedule time in the day to check emails, Facebook, other social media. Set times to do other things too, like browse, gaming, or shopping, etc.
Thibaut G.
You just need to set up times to not be on your phone no matter what. Set a timer, put on do not disturb, whatever needs to be done. The trick is to just stop being on screens, cold turkey
Marian J.
I set an alarm on my phone 45 minutes before I’m supposed to go to bed. I turn off all electronics when the alarm goes off.
Dirk I.
To over come screen addiction I would say to try and take you mind off of it my doing something else like hanging out with friends, coloring, cleaning, or listening to music. Give yourself short breaks to watch YouTube or something and shorten them everyday.
Wyatt O.
I organised all my apps into folders so I have one for banking apps one for social media etc. I organised the apps across 3 screens or pages in my phone so the first apps I see are the essentials and productive ones and then the more addictive socials are on the last screen. I found having the apps organised and tucked away in folders made them less visible and having to take an extra step to open the folder and then get to the app made me less likely to act on impulse and open apps like fb. Once they are in a folder the icons are less obvious and large which helps too. I also use screentime which will allow to to control which apps you can access when. I have all my non essential apps blocked from 8-7pm.
Le O N.
Make time for other activities like reading. Putting my phone away and trying to relax or meditate also, praying. Taking some extra time to pray takes away from the screen.
Babette T.
I started by setting a limit on the apps I used mindlessly and didn’t contribute to my life. From there, I set a general limit at 9PM in the evening (until 7AM). My screentime has been dropping dramatically week after week and I am very happy that I am now more present
Dorian E.
Screen addiction is definitely a problem for me, both TV and phone. Since starting with Fabulous a week ago I have been able to curb my addiction because of the evening routine check offs. Another thing that I believe will help me avoid watching Hallmark movies in what seems to be a loop will be this declutter challenge.
Elio Y.
I find this the most difficult! I just have to say NO, put the iPad or phone down at 9.30. I still listen to music or an audio book but at least I’m not letting the light damage my eyes
Julia X.
If you’re on IOS, use screen time and create a passcode only someone else knows so when you get locked out of an app. You’ll have to see that person first before you can use that app more that day
Zo Z.
i try to give myself a break by giving my mind and body other things to do and focus on. That may be yoga, working out, reading, spending time with your pets and family. Putting timers on apps like social media and games helps too as a reminder to distance yourself from the device. As soon as you realize that your body, mind, and overall life doesn’t require a phone or computer to keep you going, it’ll work as motivation. Maybe even try to write in a journal before bed, talking about your accomplishments and things you were able to get done in that free time!
Bertha U.
By trying to remind myself to be present. Today for example i chose to be with my dog and take him to the park to unwind after work rather than turning on the TV and expecting him to just chill after being alone all day. Being at the park with him was the opportunity to remind myself to be present in life, especially in the life of someone who depends on me so heavily.
Jennifer O.
I think a way to overcome screen addiction is by setting small, realistic goals weekly to help you along the way. Start off my cutting off screen time an hour before bed, and then progress from there.
Gabriel I.
This is actually something that I struggle with as well. I use my phone to organize my life so I have made it “necessary” to have it out all the time. I use it when I’m alone and i don’t want to look approachable or when I’m bored or when I’m trying to get out of conversations.
Because of that, I think the first step is to realize that your phone is not a necessity, nor is it a priority. But you are. You’re time is important, you’re choices are important, your attention is important, your love is important. When we give all our attention to our phones, we deprive ourselves of knowing ourselves. Through this one little thing in our pocket, we allow so many voices to exist in our brain and influence our decision making without us even realizing it. And we separate ourselves from the people that are actually present in our lives, so that we don’t know them either. Though we use our phones to stay connected, they are one of the most effective tools for alienation, disconnection, and miscommunication.

So for me, the best ways to get rid of phone addiction is to first make boundaries for it. My phone is not allowed when I am in conversations with people I love. It’s not even allowed when we aren’t really talking.

I’ve also removed all social media sites from my phone and only access them from computers, so that there are fewer chances of distraction from my phone.

I take breaks from my phones as well. I’ll leave it at home when I go out with friends, or when I go on walks.

I also utilize the “do not disturb” mode when I have work to do. Though in this time everyone feels like they should be able to constantly contact anyone at anytime- they’ll be okay.

There are a lot of other things I’m sure you can do and might already be doing. But don’t worry. You got this.

Santina G.
I found something that I loved doing that didn’t involve my phone. I meditate or draw before bed. Both give me some piece and help me relax before bed.
Rom O T.
I turn off my social media notification at 9pm, and disconnect from WiFi at 9:30pm . I meditate at 9:30pm and ready for bed at 10pm. Leave your phone in different room and use other device as alarm. Repeat this until it becomes a habit.
Christy C.
By doing everything before I either go to bed 🛏 or I do my work unless it is on my phone but I usually will do a time limit.
Anne G.
I’m am still trying to figure this out myself. There’s a setting on my phone that limits the amount of time I get for social media and other things that helps a lot to be mindful of how much I really pick up my phone. I guess that’s step one.
Lison I.
I think we all have a little bit of an addiction to our screens but here are some tips…
1. Use screen time – if you have an apple product there is a new function called screen time. Using this you can monitor your screen time and become more aware of it and you can set screen limits for apps.
2. Put your phone in another room. I think when we are just going to go to bed we think “I’ll just check my feed and I will go to bed” not only will we not just “check our feed” we can lose our sense of time and as soon as you know it it’s been an hour. What’s worse is that the blue light emitted by phones makes it harder for us to sleep too. So I would before you go to bed put it in another room. You don’t need it in your bedroom. When you develop this habit it won’t seem as so much of a big deal besides you can always walk and get it in the morning!
3. Turn notifications off – try muting some group chats or turning off insta or Facebook notifications. This will mean you don’t have any reason or thing to respond too to get on your phone.
4. Find other things to do – we go on our phones in our spare time like at home or on public transport so try this your on a train and instead of pulling your phone out meditate. This is not only stopping you from going on your screen but is beneficial to you. Maybe at home try reading a book or try something new like drawing or gardening.
It’s about replacing when you would go on your screen with something beneficial!

I Hope this helped whoever asked. 😊😊

Stay fabulous!

Sofia G.
most phones have screen time limits — enabling those is a great start. also, turning your phone on greyscale makes it less tempting. keep it on do not disturb or turn off notifications for certain apps so you aren't tempted, and keep it tucked away or out of sight when you can. if you're struggling with a particular app, hard as it might be, the best way is to just delete the app. good luck!
Kasper Y.
So I use forest which is an app so the phone is away from me for periods of time otherwise my tree dies. I physically put the phone on charge away from me.
Marie Z.
I feel like slowly over time you can limit you’re screen time. You can set alarms or reminders that’ll help you. So when the timer goes off you have to get up and do something else like cleaning, studying, walking you’re dog, or going for a run. Make more time for family and friends and only touch your phone in emergencies. Make yourself take a break from social media for a week and then see how you feel, but do it often to refresh yourself and also limit your time on your phone/screens.
Ir Nia F.
Awareness of the problem is part of the solution. I usually monitor my screen time and put goals to decrease the amount of time I spend each day/week. I make a habit of putting my phone further away than usual from me to decrease the need for simply reaching over and checking my screen. I make time for non-screen friendly hobbies and activities were it would be hard to use my phone such as playing with my dog, going out for a walk and gardening.
Brooklyn E.
Honestly, I still barely have. But luckily, this app has been helping me get over this screen addition. Slowly and nice.
Catherine N.
I keep my phone on airplane mode or DND a lot and then I put my phone on the other side of the room, out of arms length so I don’t have the impulse to pick it up and look at it.
Amalie B.
Find something else as rewarding to do like read, put the screen away or if it’s a telly, switch it to say ambient music.
Noam E.
Well I am still working on trying to overcome this myself, but I find that when I put my phone to to airplane mode it helps because you can’t access wifi, and physically putting it away from you while charging it helps too. I also downloaded forest, where you can set timers for being away from your phone, and if you go on your phone your tree dies, so it gives you an incentive to stay away from your phone!
Rasmus Y.
Like any other addiction. With a determination to change and a steady withdrawal. Over time you will get used to the absence of screen time. Use the time for something productive to distract you in the meantime.
Naomi G.
I am constantly working on this, looking honestly at my screen time & self evaluating the importance of my screen activity. I remind myself to be more present in the moment, because the memories that I will hold dear one day will be built those moments, not the time with my face buried into my iPhone. I allow myself 15 minutes maximum in the morning to “see what’s going on in the world”, then I put the phone away, and start my day. I actually feel happier, and have less social anxiety bc I’m forced to interact with people versus using my phone as a crutch.
Ethan Q.
Time yourself when you pick up your phone or computer. Set a timer giving yourself 30 min or 15 min. Once that timer goes off, put it down.
Mile A.
I don’t hav escurren addiction but I do recommend that you put a timer for when to put your phone down. Then go do something that’ll entertain you. I’m only on my phone probably like 4-5 times a day but don’t Pat attention to it. You have to realize that you won’t notice what’s going on outside the world because you are so focused on your phone.
Harvey S.
I try to put down devises in other rooms, or keep in my bag when I’m out with people. And at night set a final time that all devices are turned off. To help my brain decompress for the day & help get better sleep. It’s hard to put them down or stop watching but your health needs u to do it. I try to keep routine. Doesn’t always work but I try my best. Focus on meditation, or something u wanted to do. Or find a hobby. Enjoy the outdoors.
Jackie S.
By deciding to turn off all screens at a particular time each night. The Fabolous app have reminders that will help you to remember. Ask yourself this question if you think it is hard: Do I want to reach my long-term goals or are my short-term actions more important? Look at your Why’s and decide whether you want to be a person who keeps her own promises, or a person whom can’t be. Keep your own promises as it builds confidence and will take you faster towards your goals. Best of luck!
Christian F.
My phone allows me to monitor how much I’m on it and what I’m doing the most. It helps me stay accountable to plan other activities during my day to stay off my phone.
Julie A.
I find that when I keep myself busy with other things such as reading or taking a walk, etc I am less tempted to be on ay device.
Luka U.
Try to find things that are hands on and keep u engaged. Getting urself into nature, or taking workshops, playing sports. Find things u enjoy doing, and put ur phone away
Stephen J.
For me, I had to tell people the times I am unavailable and limit time texting or calling because if my phone is in hand I’ll also look for other things to scroll through. Phone free environments seems to be the way
Jacob Z.
i turn off my phone or put it on do not disturb and i go outside and play, watch cars go by, or i stay inside and clean my room, write, read, make something, water a plant, take a bath, etc
M Rvio O.
I'm not reallly sure but maybe go for walks or maybe hangout with friends or family? Try and leave your phone in another room for maybe a couple of hours and see what happends ? Hope this helps x
Sebastian T.
Don’t over think it when u want to get something done or if u just came up with an idea of doing something fun or creative.
Just think about what u want to do. Make a list in ur head. If u don’t remember the full listed in the end of thinking that’s ok. The only thing that’s important is to think of things that’s are time limited/ important. With that add fun projects Andy ideas u can do in between the important boring to-do’s. By adding the fun stuff in it will be easier to get things done and feel good about urself. Once u have to start to do the things that u dread u just don’t think about it to much. U can simply add a timer for a couple of minutes and once u start u will be in the zone and won’t want to stop. Once I have a fun idea in mind I usually spend zero time on my phone and when I get stuff done I spend only around 10 minutes after 40 min of hard work. It’s better then wasting the whole hr just on watching a video on ur phone or playing a game. And trust me, not using ur phone will make u feel so much better then with ur phone.
Emma P.
I have really enjoyed the screen time app on my iPhone. It can restrict certain apps by time used and time of day. Sometimes an environmental change is the best way to curb addiction.
Abby E.
Mainly I have trouble with phone screen addiction. Getting rid of the unnecessary apps really helped me avoid spending a bunch of time on my phone. It feels weird at first because I was used to always having something playing in the background. I started listening to podcasts or audible books to help with that.
Angela O.
Limiting my time on social media, helps me to focus on the importance things – Faith, Family, Friends! I am also happier by not comparing myself to others. I set my phone to do not disturb and try to wind down for the evening by reading or organizing myself for tomorrow.
Jessica P.
I try to avoid installing social media apps to my phone. If I ever need it, I am just opening from the browser. It is so painfull to handle stuff on browser , therefore i am willing to close it asap.