Anthony P.
Sometimes you get to reap the rewards of a good spiritual practice, but other times you’re just not in the mood. This also happens with love. This is when the meditation becomes about practicing – practicing meditation to grow the seeds of spirituality and peace that have been planted but aren’t yet producing fruit. Growth takes time and even after your practice is strong and spirituality is resonating within you, there will still be some (though fewer) days that simply require practice.
Arquimino O.
I imagine I’m sitting in front of my fireplace with a notebook and pencil. As my thoughts race, I imagine myself writing down the thoughts. When my imaginary self fills a page, it goes in the fire. Page after page until there is nothing left so write. Sometimes it only goes from frantic writing to a slower pace but I feel more settled when I’ve done this for even a few minutes.
Reiner O.
By closing my eyes and following one of the breathing exercises in this app. In addition, I make sure I am in a safe space where I know I will not be bothered whilst I am doing my meditation. I can be in any kind of mood, but once I do this, my mind, body and soul are ready to meditate and my heart is ready and open to deceive positivity without judging myself.
Art O.
Honestly, I don’t. I actually have and meditated and at least a week, and I find it more difficult when I am working because I like to meditate in the morning and I have early work timings. But the days that I have managed to conquer this whole work meditation balance is when I just do it. Sorry to sound like a Nike logo but the trick really is just doing it sometimes I do it even for just three minutes
Edith C.
Play meditation music and just relax. My mind races during these times but the consistency helps bring me back to my spiritual connection.