But I actually realised that meditation is all about self control. To get over everything that happened in the past and re fresh your brain for a better life. So now I meditate nearly every day and when I close my eyes instead of thinking about all the worrying things in my life and what I have to do next and if I've revised enough for my science test, i just sorta let all my tension and worry and anxiety sort of flush out my brain and re fresh it completely. I'm sure you'll soon learn self control and your brain won't run at 1000 miles per hour! Meditation can really come in handy ! Please let me know if this has helped you at all and I want to know your achievements and please tell me if you have any other questions, good luck!
Passive meditation, I try to focus on the breath and label the inhalation “I am breathing in” and the exhalation “I am breathing out.”
Christian meditation; there are some Simple Habit sessions with leccio divino, a n ancient practice of scripture, meditation, prayer, and contemplation. Such a practice might be called Christian Mysticism…
Gentleness is key! Don’t beat yourself up. Your mind is just doing what it was made to do.
Good luck with your practice!
It is a matter of observing your mind, without judgement, and gently redirecting it back to the object of your attention. So if you are paying attention to your breath and you become aware that you have been thinking about everything you have to do later that morning, you actually note that awareness. You may just say to yourself, “Hmm, I am thinking about my to do list.” Then gently bring your attention back to your breath.
I have an image in my mind that my thoughts are a toy boat floating in a pond. When the boat is going off course, I very gently tap it back to go in the direction I choose.