How do you get exercise in throughout the day?

Anna Z.
I don’t exercise throughout the day… I don’t have time to do it in the morning, and I’m still trying to find the energy to do it in the afternoon/evening.

Anna Z.
Well, personally I have swimming lessons and I consider that as my exercise, as for the days I don't, whenever I find the time will do

Timmothy U.
I get exercise mainly through our school PE class but if I have extra time later in the day I would walk to my local movie theater and watch a movie, I would say that is normally a 40 minute run

Cynthia Y.
Not any exercise recently… I had an exercise streak of 1 year, but I lost it when I moved, and I want to get back into it. I don't feel any more healthy when I did, and I wanted to look bigger, that was my goal, when I exercised…. I just want to feel good about my body

Asta X.
I think about why I am doing it and why I want to continue it. I try to find things that make exercise fun like a good playlist I can listen to while working out.

Kyle G.
I go for 2 or 3 mile walks in the morning and then I have events during the day that get me outside and exercising without having to go a gym.

Anandini Z.
You can use many alternatives like walking to work instead of driving. Doing some light exercise in chair while working, going for a walk during breaks and when you have time the best way to exercise is to put on some music and start dancing it is a very healthy thing keeps you exercising and relaxes your mind also.