Pearl U.
I use the thinnest possible wooden tooth picks I can buy. Then after I brush my teeth i lie in my bed and listen to music. I take a tooth pick and start with the furthest back spaces between my teeth (the tooth pick will break when i do this at the end)
Then I move 10 times in two directions in every space, massaging my gums.
Takes about 5 to 7 minutes.
Connie O.
I use Oral B floss sticks, starting at the back top working left to right then bottom right to left, slowly moving it in a sew saw metion between each tooth snd trying not to aggravate the gums.
Samantha A.
I have made it part of my bed time routine and it’s the last thing I do before going to sleep. I attempt to do as good of job as the hygienist by getting between each tooth on each side up to my gums
Lola J.
Prima passo il filo interdentale poi spazzolo per almeno due minuti con lo spazzolino elettrico su tutte le arcate della bocca
Julie W.
I have trouble with strings of floss and my finger dexterity so I use tooth pluckers (plastic with floss in the middle) to make flossing easier and more convenient. The convenience removes a major barrier for me to floss daily.
Elina O.
I use a floss stick with dental tape, and the hook end on the tool, allows me to remove debris before flossing. After flossing I always rinse.
I must be doing something right as my dentist always compliments me.
I must be doing something right as my dentist always compliments me.